الاثنين، 31 مارس 2014

Unit 6 The Importance of Trees

Unit 6  The Importance of Trees

Part one - Vocabulary and Language Notes

Read the following passage carefully

Why do we need trees?
If you ask people why we need trees, most of them will answer: “we need wood from tees for building houses”; “we get fruit and nuts from trees”; “we make paper out of wood from trees”; “we can use wood as a fuel for cooking and heating”.  Recently, people have added a more serious reason to this list: “Trees help the earth to breathe” or “they protect us from global warming”.
It has been said that more than 5000 things in everyday use are made from trees.  Here are a few of them: furniture, sports equipment, pencils, magazines and newspapers, cardboard boxes, musical instruments and- believe it or not- some kinds of toothpaste.
In addition to these uses, trees also give us valuable chemicals. Turpentine, which is used as paint remover, is made from the sap of trees. Sap can also be used to make rubber.  If wood is heated, chemicals are produced which can be used to make medicines and some kinds of plastic.  Wood products can also be turned into paper, cardboard and materials from which clothes can be made.  You may be surprised to hear that wood products are also used in some types of ice cream and other foods.
So, the next time you are reading a newspaper, eating an ice cream, playing the piano or cleaning your teeth, just stop and think: how would you manage to do these things if there were no trees?


bark  = the material that forms the surface of the wood of a tree  القشرة الخارجية للشجرة
harden  = to become firm or stiff.  يصلب , يجعله صلبا
ring  = an object in the shape of a circle   حلَقة
tube  = a pipe that liquids or gases go through.   أنبوب
roots  = the parts of trees that grow under the ground and find water.   جذور
calculate  = to find out something or measure something by using numbers   يحسب , يحصى
extract  = to remove something   يستخرج
width  = the distance from one side of something to the other   العرض , الإتساع
cardboard  = very stiff thick paper, used especially for making boxes   ورق مقوي , كرتون
instrument   = something such as a piano or violin used for producing  musical sounds   جهاز , أداة
products  = things that are made or grown to be sold   منتجات
rubber  = A substance used for making tyres, boots, etc.   مطاط
sap  = the liquid that carries food through plants and trees   عصارة
toothpaste  = substance used for cleaning your teeth    معجون أسنان
turpentine  = a strong-smelling liquid used for removing  paint   زيت التربنيت

More vocabulary

cells   خلايا
trunk   الجذع   
branch   فرع
leaves   أوراق الشجر   
goats   ماعز
damage    ضرر ,  تلف   
soft   أملس , ناعم , طرى
cellular   خلوي   
farms   مزارع
nuts   الجوز   
breathe   يتنفس
breath   النَفَس   
breathing   التنفس
heating   التدفئة   
woods   غابة
furniture    الأثاث   
musical instrument    آلة موسيقية
paint remover   مزيل طلاء   
chemical    مادة كيميائية
plastic   البلاستيك   
flat   مسطح
seeds   البذور   
plough   يحرث
irrigate   يَروي   
fertile   خصب
bridge   جسر , كوبري   
pink   وردي
car tyres    إطارات السيارات   
brush   فرشاة , يستخدم الفرشاة
firm   صلب , حازم , شركة   
stiff   جامد , صلب
thin   رقيق , رفيع   
count the rings   يعِد الحلقات
sequoia    نوع من الأشجار الطويلة ينمو في كاليفورنيا   
violin   كمان
musical sounds   أصوات موسيقية   
punish   يعاقب
punishment   العقاب   
container    وعاء ,  إناء , حاوية
prune trees   يُقَلِم الأشجار   
absorb    يمتص
absorption   امتصاص   
rain forests   الغابات المطيرة
owner   مالك   
detective    مخبر
select   يختار   
selection    اختيار
plot   حبكة   
scene   مشهد
gradual   تدريجي   
gradually    ندريجيا , بالتدريج

Prepositions and Expressions

cut down    يقطع , يُقلل   
carry from .. to   يحمل من .. إلي
leave out    يستبعد   
along the sides of the street   على إمتداد جانبي الشارع
believe it or not   صدق أو لا تصدق   
in addition to   بالإضافة إلي
make predictions   يتنبأ   
in general   بصفة عامة
do a favour   يقدم خدمة أو معروف   
good for    مفيد لـ
get in the team   ينضم للفريق   
fall over in the wind    يسقط أثناء هبوب الرياح
a set of instructions   مجموعة تعليمات   
get better at   يتحسن في
put down roots   يستقر , في مكان معين    
put out fire   يُطفئ النيران
hide from enemies    يختبئ من الأعداء   
in the shape of a circle   علي شكل دائرة
make paper out of wood   يصنع الورق من الخشب   
take in   يمتص / يفهم / يخدع
keep .. away from    يُبعد .. عن   
do damage to   يضُر / يُلحق ضررا بـ
do good to   يعود بالفائدة علي   
give out    يُخرج / يُطلق
make up    يُشكِل / يُكَوِن / يخترع قصة   
point downwards   يشير أو يتجه لأسفل

Words that go together

sports equipment   أجهزة رياضية   
set rules and regulations   يضع القواعد واللوائح
break the rules   يُخالف القواعد   
abide by the law   يلتزم بالقانون
give instructions   يعطي تعليمات   
international community   المجتمع الدولي
the united nations   الأمم المتحدة   
reclaim the desert    يستصلح الصحراء
forest clearance   إزالة الغابات   
spread awareness    ينشر الوعي
reduce noise pollution   يقلل التلوث الضوضائي   
develop new techniques   يُطَور أساليب جديدة
square kilometer   كيلومتر مربع   
cubic centimeter   سنتيمتر مكعب
foreign investment    الاستثمار الأجنبي   
cardboard box   صندوق من الكرتون
rubber gloves   قفاز من المطاط   
exert efforts   يبذل الجهود
witness a great shift   يشهد تحولا كبيرا   
resolve - solve the crisis يحل الأزمة
alleviate suffering    يخفف المعاناة   
annual festival   مهرجان سنوي

Language Notes:

لاحظ استخدام الصفة في هذا التركيب
It ( be فى الزمن الصحيح ) + adj. + of + someone +(not) to do something
(nice / kind / stupid / silly / clever / polite / careless)

It is kind of you to help me.
It was careless of Jack not to lock the door.

يُضاف المقطع
الي بعض الصفات لتكوين الاسم
wide    width   
long    length   
strong    strength
deep    depth   
grow    growth   
heal    health

تستخدم  else 
 بعد الكلمات التي تبدأ بـ  some – every – no – some 
 وتنتهي بالكلمات  one / thing / body / where   مثل:
someone else/ everyone else / something else / nothing else
بمعنى شخص آخر , شئ آخر وهكذا
كما نستخدم 
else   بعد أدوات الاستفهام  what / who / why / where:
What else do you want to do?
Who else attended حضر the meeting?

be made of:   مصنوع من مادة لا تتغير خواصها
This watch is made of gold.
be made from:   مصنوع من مادة أو أكثرتتغير خواصها
This cake is made from flour, butter and milk.
be made by:   مصنوع بواسطة
This hat was made by a friend of mine.
be made in:   مصنوع في مكان معين
A lot of products are now made in China.

الصفة المركبة تتكون عادة من كلمتين وتصف الاسم بعدها:
adj. / adv. + PP:                  
adj. / adv. / n. + V + ing:  


تأتي catch
بمعاني مختلفة:

catch the ball   
catch a thief    
catch fire
catch a disease   
catch fish   
catch a train /a bus
catch up with   
catch someone's attention   
catch sight of

تأتي hold
بمعاني مختلفة:

hold a meeting / a conference   
hold a position / a post   
hold an opinion
hold (500) people   
hold (him) responsible for   
hold the line = hold on

Words often confused:

wander  يتجول               
wonder  يتساءل / يستغرب / يتعجب       
He wandered around the mall for half an hour.
I wonder if I could borrow your car.       
Sometimes I wonder about his behaviour.

quiet  هاديء       
quite  تماما / الي حد ما       
quit  يترك / يغادر / يتوقف عن   
We'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.    
The food in the canteen is quite good.   
That's quite a different matter.               
She's going to quit her job.       

connect something to something  يوصل بجهاز   
First connect the printer to the computer.
connect something with something  يوصل / يرتبط بـ        
The railway link would connect Tanta with Cairo. 
There was nothing to connect him with the crime.

contact  يتصل بـ   
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

climate:   المناخ الظروف الجوية السائدة في مكان ما علي مدي سنوات
This part of the country has a dry climate.

weather: حالة الجو (من حيث درجة الحرارة والرطوبة وغيرها في فترة قصيرة)
The weather today is so hot.

Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
Choose the correct answer
1-Many boxes are (made of – made in – made by – made from) cardboard.
2-People put (toothpaste – cream – tablets – pills) on their brush to clean their teeth.
3-Every year, the cells under the bark of a tree (hard – herd – harden – burden) and become new wood.
4-This road is too narrow for all today's traffic, so they are going to (shorten – sharpen – harden – widen) it.
5-That old bridge over the river is very weak. They will have to (lengthen – strengthen – narrow – weaken) it soon.
6-The new trousers are too long, so my mother is going to (broaden – widen – deepen – shorten) them for me.
7-The knife doesn't cut very well. I need to (weaken – sharpen – harden – widen) it.
8-That film is so popular that the queues to see it (widen – strengthen - lengthen – long) every day.
9-The liquid that carries food in trees is called (tap – nap – sap – lap).
10-A violin is a musical (instrument – equipment – machine – technique).
11-She used rubber (doves – clubs – gloves – cups) to protect her hands from chemicals.
12-She has a lot of sports (equipment – styles – techniques - ways) in her house.
13-The world is trying to find a solution to the problem of (local – regional – universal – global) warming.
14-He used a paint (remove – removal – removing – remover) to clean his shirt.
15-My hands (hardened – awakened – broadened – lengthened) when I was working on the farm.
16-We can determine the (length – width -age – disease) of a tree by counting the rings.
17-We need 3 test (taps – tips – tubes – tops) for this experiment.
18-Egypt exports a lot of (conducts – instructs – deducts – products) to other countries.
19-I (included – excluded – calculated – valued) that we would arrive there at 6. p.m.
20-The oil which is (extracted – retreated – contacted – conducted) from olives is used for cooking.
21-The garden is 20 metres in (wide – widen – width – the wide).
22-The scientists couldn't (accumulate – insulate – congratulate – calculate) when the spaceship would reach the moon.
23-This firm has (leaves – trunks – branches – roots) in many cities.
24-A lot of medicines come from tropical (rainforests – rainbows – raindrops – rainfalls).
25-The walls of the house (avoid – protect – absorb – widen) heat during the day.
26-Wheat grows well on (futile – fertile – file – infertile) soil.
27-Cutting (in – of – away – down) trees causes damage to the environment.
28-We should plant more trees (along – beneath – off – above) the sides of streets.
29-Five trees fell (on – over – to – in) in the storm.
30-After ten years of travelling around the world, she felt it was time to put down (roots – branches – trunks – leaves) somewhere.
31-You have to obey all the (roles – reels – rails – rules) and regulations.
32-The (weather – climate – atmosphere – sky) was so cold yesterday, so we didn't go out.
33-In (add – additional – addition – additive)  to washing the dishes, she tidied her room.
34-They (drilled – pulled – called - felled) into the tree and extracted a thin piece of wood.
35-The (width – health – wealth – filth) of the rings of trees depend on the climate and the amount of rain.
36-Studying the rings of trees shows us (why – when – how much – what) the weather was like hundreds of years ago.
37-Most trees (die – live – grow – reach) bigger every year.
38-In every tree, there is a circle of soft cells which (harden – drop – stay – go) every spring or summer.
39-The (tapes – tunnels – tubes – channels) carry water from a tree's roots to its leaves.
40-The bark (destroys – demolishes – protects – hides) the living part of the tree.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences then write it correctly:
1-Car tyres and the bottoms of some shoes are made from rubber.
2-The tree's leaves help it to take off light from the sun.
3-This cream contains expands from several plants.
4-The tallest tree is among two and three thousand years old.
5-Goats and other animals can die trees by damaging the bark.
6-The cells below the bark firm new wood every year.
7-The more air there is in a year, the wider the tree rings are.
8-It is possible to inculcate the age of a tree.
9-We need wood from trees for demolishing houses.
10-We can make paper down of wood.
11-Wood can be used as a feel for cooking and heating.
12-Trees help to increase pollution.
13-Turpentine is used as a paint mover.
14-The climate today is so cold. I can't go out.
15-This road contacts Assiut with Fayoum.

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