Unit 3 Energy
Read the following passage carefully:
إقرأ القطعة التالية وستجد معانى الكلمات المحددة أسفلها
Nothing can live without energy. People, animals and plants need energy to live and machines need energy to work. Today, most of the energy we use still comes from fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, which have been formed underground over millions of years. We call these non-renewable forms of energy because they can only be used once. Because of this, we need to reduce our use of non-renewable fuels and use more renewable forms of energy like those from the sun, wind or geothermal energy.
For centuries, the wind has been used to sail ships and to pump water. Now it is used to produce electricity . Groups of wind turbines along to the Red Sea in Egypt generate large amounts of electricity. Water is also a renewable form of energy. Huge quantities of water go through the High Dam at Aswan from lake Nasser. This hydroelectric power supplies Egypt with a lot of its electricity. As well as being inexpensive to produce, this clean energy does not pollute the environment.
Other countries depend on nuclear power- power produced when atoms split. However, nuclear power produces dangerous waste which must be stored for thousands of years before it is safe. Accidents at nuclear power stations are extremely dangerous to people’s health and to the environment.
Energy from the sun is probably the best form of renewable energy. Scientists believe that the sun’s energy will last for another five billion years. This energy can now be captured and stored.
It is important for us to save energy in our homes and workplaces in order to stop using up non-renewable sources of energy.
معانى الكلمات بالترتيب
fossil fuels الوقود الحفرى
formed - v. form تكونت - تشكلت - يكون
non-renewable غير متجدد
once مرة
reduce يخفض
fuels أنواع الوقود
renewable متجدد
geothermal حرارة باطن الأرض
centuries قرون
pump يضخ - مضخة
produce ينتج
electricity الكهرباء
wind turbines توربينات تعمل بطاقة الريح
generate يولد
amounts = quantities كميات
hydroelectric power الطاقة الكهرومائية
supplies - v. supply يمد
as well as بالإضافة إلى
pollute يلوث
environment البيئة
nuclear power الطاقة النووية
atoms ذرات
split ينشطر
however مع ذلك
dangerous waste نفاية خطرة
stored - v. store يخزن
safe آمن
accidents حوادث
power stations محطات طاقة
extremely = very جدا - للغاية
last يستمر - يدوم
captured - v. capture يحصل على - يأسر
workplaces أماكن العمل
using up - v. use up يستهلك - يستنفذ
sources مصادر
Definitions تعريفات
liquid = A substance such as water which flows, and is not solid or a gas سائل
molten = Molten metal or rock is liquid because it is extremely hot. منصهر
nuclear = using the energy that is produced when an atom is split or joined to another atom نووى
pipe (v.) = to send a liquid or gas through a pipe to another place ماسورة - أنبوب
power station = a building where electricity is made محطة طاقة
pressure = The force that a liquid or gas has when it is inside a container or place; the force produced when pressing against something. الضغط
Coal = is a black fossil fuel from underground. الفحم
atom = the smallest part that a substance can be divided into الذرة
fossil (fuel) = fuel made from animals or plants that lived millions of years ago الوقود الحفرى
generate = to produce electricity, power, heat, etc. يولد
hydroelectric = using water power to produce electricity كهرومائى
waste = Materials that are left after you have used something, which you want to get rid of because you no longer need them. نفاية - فضلات
wind turbine = A tall structure with parts that are turned by the wind, used for making electricity. توربين يعمل بطاقة الريح
More vocabulary
liquid (n./adj.) سائل / في شكل سائل
molten منصهر
pressure الضغط
pipe(n. / v.) أنبوب / ينقل بالأنابيب
coal الفحم
natural gas الغاز الطبيعي
generation توليد / جيل
atomic = nuclear ذري / نووي
geo- = earth مقطع بمعني الأرض
thermal = heat حرارة
geothermal حرارة باطن الأرض
surface السطح
steam البخار
drill يحفر فى أرض صلبة
sugar cane قصب السكر
palm trees أشجار النخيل
straight مستقيم / معتدل
diesel زيت الديزل
vehicles مركبات
types = sorts = kinds أنواع
straighten يسوي / يمهد
save energy يوفر الطاقة
clean energy الطاقة النظيفة
recycling إعادة الاستخدام
public transport المواصلات العامة
alternatives بدائل
environmentalists خبراء البيئة
extinction الانقراض
become extinct يصبح منقرضاَ
gas / petrol station محطة بنزين
countdown عد تنازلي
central heating التدفئة المركزية
damage ضرر / تلف
cooking الطهي
lighting الإضاءة
lightning البرق
thunder الرعد
push يدفع / يضغط
industry الصناعة
impressed منبهر / متأثر
company = firm شركـة
blade ريشة المروحة / نصل
tower برج
introduce يُقدم
introduction مقدمة
conclude يستنتج / يختم
conclusion استنتاج / خاتمة
materials مواد
traditional تقليدي
economic problems مشكلات اقتصادية
extensively علي نطاق واسع
Lake Nasser بحيرة ناصر
springs ينابيع مياه
incredible لا يُصدًق
smart car سيارة ذكية
device جهاز / أداة
science fiction الخيال العلمي
sat-nav systems أجهزة أو نظم ملاحية تستخدم الأقمار الصناعية
directions اتجاهات / تعليمات
electric bulb مصباح كهربي
destination جهة الوصول / مقصد
cyclist راكب دراجة
speed bump مطب لتخفيف السرعة
fine غرامة / يُغرم
Prepositions and Expression
pump to the surface يضخ إلي السطح
on the earth's surface علي سطح الأرض
below the earth's surface تحت سطح الأرض
in molten form في شكل منصهر
be connected to متصل بـ
come up يصعد لأعلى
In other ways بطرق أخرى
turn into = covert into يتحول إلى
do without = dispense with يستغنى عن
rely on = depend on = count on يعتمد علي
last for يستمر لمدة
dangerous to خطير على
instead of بدلا من
afford to + inf. يقدر على
make use of يستفيد من
develop new forms of يطور أشكالاَ جديدة من
do a survey into يقوم بمسح أو استطلاع رأى في
at the weekend في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع
at a high speed بسرعة عالية
be produced from يُنتًج من
supply .. with يُزود ..بـ
go through يمر من خلال
along the Red Sea على إمتداد البحر الأحمر
sail ships يُوجه أو يُسيّر السفن
generate electricity يُولّْد الكهرباء
take part in يشارك في
something goes wrong with خطأ أو عطل يحدث في
along the motorway علي طول الطريق السريع
connect to the internet يتصل بالانترنت
in this way وبهذه الطريقة
drive on the road يقود السيارة علي الطريق
all over the world فى جميع أنحاء العالم
useful for drivers مفيد للسائقين
forward للأمام
Words that go together
mass media وسائل الإعلام
job opportunities فرص عمل
make achievements يحقق انجازات
natural resources موارد طبيعية
developing countries الدول النامية
developed countries الدول المتطورة
desert reclamation استصلاح الصحراء
an urgent solution to حل عاجل لـ
press conference مؤتمر صحفي
press agency وكالة أنباء
under pressure تحت ضغط
nuclear disarmament نزع السلاح النووي
nuclear weapons أسلحة نووية
nuclear reactor مفاعل نووي
nuclear fission انشطار نووي
nuclear waste النفايات النووية
melting point نقطة الانصهار
boiling point نقطة الغليان
drive machines يُشغل الآلات
supply and demand العرض و الطلب
reduce pollution يُقلل التلوث
disrupt traffic يُعطل المرور
Language Notes
Prefixes البادئات
البادئة هى مجموعة من الحروف توضع فى بداية كلمة لتغير معناها
Prefixes meaning not بادئات تعطى معنى النفى
non - un - in - dis - il - ir
smoker non-smoker
happy unhappy
fortunate unfortunate
usual unusual
dress undress
convenient inconvenient
effective ineffective
efficient inefficient
sensitive insensitive
expensive inexpensive
appear disappear
agree disagree
approve disapprove
honest dishonest
connect disconnect
like dislike
logical illogical
legal illegal
legible illegible
literate illiterate
responsible irresponsible
regular irregular
resistible irresistible
لاحط معانى الكلمات التالية
invaluable معناها لايقدر بثمن أو ثمين
flammable و inflammable معناهما واحد قابل للإشتعال
أما العكس يكون non-flammable
like / enjoy ----------------best/most
Which school subject do you like most?
I like English best.
most and the most
most = nearly all / almost all
Most students passed the test. = Nearly all students passed the test
most = very
I'm most interested in languages.
the most + adj.
The computer is the most important invention in the 20th century.
make the most of = يحقق أقصي استفادة من
He gave me advice on how to make the most of my computer.
special and private
special (= not ordinary) من نوع خاص / متميز
special care رعاية خاصة special attention اهتمام خاص
The government gives special care to reclaiming the desert.
This is a special kind of cloth.
private تفيد الملكية (opposite: public عام)
a private school مدرسة خاصة a private hospital مستشفي خاص
This is my private life. You have no right to interfere.يتدخل.
What is the difference between
a private car a special car
How and What
How + adj. = What + n.
How old … ? = What age…?
How tall… = What height…? ما طول/ارتفاع
How long…? = What length…?
How big…? = What size…?
How wide…?= What width…?
How far …? = What distance …?
How high…? = What height…? ما ارتفاع
other , another and others
other + يأتى بعدها إسم جمع أو إسم غير قابل للعد
I need to discuss this with other colleagues.
There was certainly other information.
another + يأتى بعدها إسم مفرد
This tea is nice. I’d like another cup.
He lost his job. He’s trying to find another one.
another + (few / number : two, three,….)
The woman lived for another ten days.
I’d like to stay here for another few weeks.
others + v. يمكن أن تأتى في نهاية الجملة
Some people are rich; othersالبعض الأخر are poor.
Some writers are greater than othersالآخرين .
as well as + v. + ing.
As well as doing the shopping, he visited some friends.
It doesn't matter + what / who / why /who /when etc. + جملة
It doesn't matter what you wear, as long as you look neat and tidy.
stop + someone / something from + ing.
This device stops drivers from driving too fast.
Words often confused: كلمات تسبب إرتباكا أو تشوشا
find and found
find / found / found يجد
found / founded / founded يؤسس
Researchers are hoping to find a cure for the disease.
The town was founded by English settlers.
Their marriage was founded on love and mutual respect. الاحترام المتبادل
molten تُستخدم مع المواد التي تنصهر عند درجة حرارة عالية جدا مثل المعادن والصخور
melted melted chocolate - melted butter
use يستخدم
use up يستهلك / يستنفد
used مستعمل
Can I use your phone?.
We used up all the sugar. We need to buy some.
He bought a used car.
leave يُغادر left left
leave for يتجه إلى
He left the house by the back door.
He left for London yesterday.
Exercises on vocabulary and language notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1-Nothing can live (with – of – without – about) energy.
2-The sun's energy will (lost – least – last – lease) for another five billion years.
3-It is (silly – ridiculous – important – inessential) for us to save energy in our homes and workplaces.
4-(Hydroelectric – Solar – Wind – Lunar) power supplies Egypt with a lot of its electricity.
5-Most of the energy we use today comes from (fission – split – fossil – electric) fuels like coal, oil and gas.
6-Coal, oil and gas are (durable – renewable – arable – non renewable) forms of energy.
7-Coal, oil and gas have been (formed – framed – famed – fried) underground over millions of years.
8-As well as (is – are – be – being) inexpensive, hydroelectric power does not pollute the environment.
9-Nuclear power is produced when atoms (spit – spelt – split – spilt).
10-Accidents at nuclear power stations are extremely (safe – dangerous – useful – pleasant).
11-We should all try to stop using (on – for – to – up) non-renewable sources of energy.
12-For centuries, the wind has been used to (sell – sail – steal – stay) ships.
13-Machines need energy to (work – spend – spoil – strike).
14-Non-renewable forms of energy can only be used (twice – three times – once – forever).
15-It takes (more – the same – less – too much) energy to reuse materials than to make new ones.
16-Wind (turbines – machines – devices – instruments) can generate electricity.
17-We get energy from the (cold – heat – ice – water) inside the earth.
18-Below the earth, the pressure is so great that rocks are (frozen – solid – molten – cold).
19-(Geothermal – Geographical – Biographical – Geological) energy is better for the environment than energy produced by traditional power stations.
20-We need to increase our use of renewable forms of energy because we are running (into – away – out of – down) fossil fuels.
21-Energy from the sun will last (on – with – for – up) billions of years.
22-Burying (waste – taste – waist – post) in the ground can damage the environment.
23-Modern wind (headlines – deadlines – landmines – turbines) are tall towers which are built where there is a lot of wind.
24-Many countries are now using more (renewable - non renewable – avoidable – believable) forms of energy from the sun and wind.
25-Fossil fuels like oil and gas are found (between – next to – under – above) the ground.
26-Power stations (destroy – damage – generate – bury) electricity.
27-We can all do very simple things to (waste – pollute – send – save) energy.
28-We need to (produce – introduce – deduce – reduce) our use of non-renewable fuels and use more renewable forms.
29-I'd like to extend my stay in Britain for (others – the others – another – each other) two months.
30-I don't like this shirt. Can you give me (another – other – others – the others) one?
31-(How – What – How much – How many) length is the River Nile?
32-I don't expect (private – ordinary – usual – special) treatment - I just want to be treated fairly.
33-A (liquid – solid – gas – rock) is a substance such as water.
34-A power (location – destination – station – combination) is a building where electricity is made.
35-To (ripe – bribe – dive – pipe) is to send a liquid or gas through a pipe to another place.
36-Hydroelectric means using (oil – the sun – the wind – water) to produce electricity.
37-Wind turbines have parts which are (stopped – turned – switched – twisted) by the wind.
38-Fossil fuels have taken millions of years (forming – formed – to form – form).
39-The gas is stored under (pleasure – treasure – measure – pressure).
40-Electricity (graduation – generation – communication – cooperation) from wind and wave power is safe.
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1-Hydroelectric power does not pollinate the environment.
2-We should make greater use of the sun as a frame of energy in the future.
3-If you need another information, please call me.
4-Fossil fuels are founded under the ground.
5-Scientists are looking for other series of energy.
6-Geophysical energy is the energy we get from the heat inside the earth.
7-Doctors are under increasing pleasure to work longer hours.
8-We used for all the bread. Could you buy some when you go out?
9-A lot of countries depend of nuclear power.
10-I have a bath every another day.
11-He arrived school at 7.30.
12-It isn't matter what you do, as long as you don't harm others.
13-Don't use off all the milk, we need some for
14-Some people are more cooperative than another.
15-How much is it from here to Cairo? – About 400 km.
Read the following passage carefully:
إقرأ القطعة التالية وستجد معانى الكلمات المحددة أسفلها
Nothing can live without energy. People, animals and plants need energy to live and machines need energy to work. Today, most of the energy we use still comes from fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, which have been formed underground over millions of years. We call these non-renewable forms of energy because they can only be used once. Because of this, we need to reduce our use of non-renewable fuels and use more renewable forms of energy like those from the sun, wind or geothermal energy.
For centuries, the wind has been used to sail ships and to pump water. Now it is used to produce electricity . Groups of wind turbines along to the Red Sea in Egypt generate large amounts of electricity. Water is also a renewable form of energy. Huge quantities of water go through the High Dam at Aswan from lake Nasser. This hydroelectric power supplies Egypt with a lot of its electricity. As well as being inexpensive to produce, this clean energy does not pollute the environment.
Other countries depend on nuclear power- power produced when atoms split. However, nuclear power produces dangerous waste which must be stored for thousands of years before it is safe. Accidents at nuclear power stations are extremely dangerous to people’s health and to the environment.
Energy from the sun is probably the best form of renewable energy. Scientists believe that the sun’s energy will last for another five billion years. This energy can now be captured and stored.
It is important for us to save energy in our homes and workplaces in order to stop using up non-renewable sources of energy.
معانى الكلمات بالترتيب
fossil fuels الوقود الحفرى
formed - v. form تكونت - تشكلت - يكون
non-renewable غير متجدد
once مرة
reduce يخفض
fuels أنواع الوقود
renewable متجدد
geothermal حرارة باطن الأرض
centuries قرون
pump يضخ - مضخة
produce ينتج
electricity الكهرباء
wind turbines توربينات تعمل بطاقة الريح
generate يولد
amounts = quantities كميات
hydroelectric power الطاقة الكهرومائية
supplies - v. supply يمد
as well as بالإضافة إلى
pollute يلوث
environment البيئة
nuclear power الطاقة النووية
atoms ذرات
split ينشطر
however مع ذلك
dangerous waste نفاية خطرة
stored - v. store يخزن
safe آمن
accidents حوادث
power stations محطات طاقة
extremely = very جدا - للغاية
last يستمر - يدوم
captured - v. capture يحصل على - يأسر
workplaces أماكن العمل
using up - v. use up يستهلك - يستنفذ
sources مصادر
Definitions تعريفات
liquid = A substance such as water which flows, and is not solid or a gas سائل
molten = Molten metal or rock is liquid because it is extremely hot. منصهر
nuclear = using the energy that is produced when an atom is split or joined to another atom نووى
pipe (v.) = to send a liquid or gas through a pipe to another place ماسورة - أنبوب
power station = a building where electricity is made محطة طاقة
pressure = The force that a liquid or gas has when it is inside a container or place; the force produced when pressing against something. الضغط
Coal = is a black fossil fuel from underground. الفحم
atom = the smallest part that a substance can be divided into الذرة
fossil (fuel) = fuel made from animals or plants that lived millions of years ago الوقود الحفرى
generate = to produce electricity, power, heat, etc. يولد
hydroelectric = using water power to produce electricity كهرومائى
waste = Materials that are left after you have used something, which you want to get rid of because you no longer need them. نفاية - فضلات
wind turbine = A tall structure with parts that are turned by the wind, used for making electricity. توربين يعمل بطاقة الريح
More vocabulary
liquid (n./adj.) سائل / في شكل سائل
molten منصهر
pressure الضغط
pipe(n. / v.) أنبوب / ينقل بالأنابيب
coal الفحم
natural gas الغاز الطبيعي
generation توليد / جيل
atomic = nuclear ذري / نووي
geo- = earth مقطع بمعني الأرض
thermal = heat حرارة
geothermal حرارة باطن الأرض
surface السطح
steam البخار
drill يحفر فى أرض صلبة
sugar cane قصب السكر
palm trees أشجار النخيل
straight مستقيم / معتدل
diesel زيت الديزل
vehicles مركبات
types = sorts = kinds أنواع
straighten يسوي / يمهد
save energy يوفر الطاقة
clean energy الطاقة النظيفة
recycling إعادة الاستخدام
public transport المواصلات العامة
alternatives بدائل
environmentalists خبراء البيئة
extinction الانقراض
become extinct يصبح منقرضاَ
gas / petrol station محطة بنزين
countdown عد تنازلي
central heating التدفئة المركزية
damage ضرر / تلف
cooking الطهي
lighting الإضاءة
lightning البرق
thunder الرعد
push يدفع / يضغط
industry الصناعة
impressed منبهر / متأثر
company = firm شركـة
blade ريشة المروحة / نصل
tower برج
introduce يُقدم
introduction مقدمة
conclude يستنتج / يختم
conclusion استنتاج / خاتمة
materials مواد
traditional تقليدي
economic problems مشكلات اقتصادية
extensively علي نطاق واسع
Lake Nasser بحيرة ناصر
springs ينابيع مياه
incredible لا يُصدًق
smart car سيارة ذكية
device جهاز / أداة
science fiction الخيال العلمي
sat-nav systems أجهزة أو نظم ملاحية تستخدم الأقمار الصناعية
directions اتجاهات / تعليمات
electric bulb مصباح كهربي
destination جهة الوصول / مقصد
cyclist راكب دراجة
speed bump مطب لتخفيف السرعة
fine غرامة / يُغرم
Prepositions and Expression
pump to the surface يضخ إلي السطح
on the earth's surface علي سطح الأرض
below the earth's surface تحت سطح الأرض
in molten form في شكل منصهر
be connected to متصل بـ
come up يصعد لأعلى
In other ways بطرق أخرى
turn into = covert into يتحول إلى
do without = dispense with يستغنى عن
rely on = depend on = count on يعتمد علي
last for يستمر لمدة
dangerous to خطير على
instead of بدلا من
afford to + inf. يقدر على
make use of يستفيد من
develop new forms of يطور أشكالاَ جديدة من
do a survey into يقوم بمسح أو استطلاع رأى في
at the weekend في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع
at a high speed بسرعة عالية
be produced from يُنتًج من
supply .. with يُزود ..بـ
go through يمر من خلال
along the Red Sea على إمتداد البحر الأحمر
sail ships يُوجه أو يُسيّر السفن
generate electricity يُولّْد الكهرباء
take part in يشارك في
something goes wrong with خطأ أو عطل يحدث في
along the motorway علي طول الطريق السريع
connect to the internet يتصل بالانترنت
in this way وبهذه الطريقة
drive on the road يقود السيارة علي الطريق
all over the world فى جميع أنحاء العالم
useful for drivers مفيد للسائقين
forward للأمام
Words that go together
mass media وسائل الإعلام
job opportunities فرص عمل
make achievements يحقق انجازات
natural resources موارد طبيعية
developing countries الدول النامية
developed countries الدول المتطورة
desert reclamation استصلاح الصحراء
an urgent solution to حل عاجل لـ
press conference مؤتمر صحفي
press agency وكالة أنباء
under pressure تحت ضغط
nuclear disarmament نزع السلاح النووي
nuclear weapons أسلحة نووية
nuclear reactor مفاعل نووي
nuclear fission انشطار نووي
nuclear waste النفايات النووية
melting point نقطة الانصهار
boiling point نقطة الغليان
drive machines يُشغل الآلات
supply and demand العرض و الطلب
reduce pollution يُقلل التلوث
disrupt traffic يُعطل المرور
Language Notes
Prefixes البادئات
البادئة هى مجموعة من الحروف توضع فى بداية كلمة لتغير معناها
Prefixes meaning not بادئات تعطى معنى النفى
non - un - in - dis - il - ir
smoker non-smoker
happy unhappy
fortunate unfortunate
usual unusual
dress undress
convenient inconvenient
effective ineffective
efficient inefficient
sensitive insensitive
expensive inexpensive
appear disappear
agree disagree
approve disapprove
honest dishonest
connect disconnect
like dislike
logical illogical
legal illegal
legible illegible
literate illiterate
responsible irresponsible
regular irregular
resistible irresistible
لاحط معانى الكلمات التالية
invaluable معناها لايقدر بثمن أو ثمين
flammable و inflammable معناهما واحد قابل للإشتعال
أما العكس يكون non-flammable
like / enjoy ----------------best/most
Which school subject do you like most?
I like English best.
most and the most
most = nearly all / almost all
Most students passed the test. = Nearly all students passed the test
most = very
I'm most interested in languages.
the most + adj.
The computer is the most important invention in the 20th century.
make the most of = يحقق أقصي استفادة من
He gave me advice on how to make the most of my computer.
special and private
special (= not ordinary) من نوع خاص / متميز
special care رعاية خاصة special attention اهتمام خاص
The government gives special care to reclaiming the desert.
This is a special kind of cloth.
private تفيد الملكية (opposite: public عام)
a private school مدرسة خاصة a private hospital مستشفي خاص
This is my private life. You have no right to interfere.يتدخل.
What is the difference between
a private car a special car
How and What
How + adj. = What + n.
How old … ? = What age…?
How tall… = What height…? ما طول/ارتفاع
How long…? = What length…?
How big…? = What size…?
How wide…?= What width…?
How far …? = What distance …?
How high…? = What height…? ما ارتفاع
other , another and others
other + يأتى بعدها إسم جمع أو إسم غير قابل للعد
I need to discuss this with other colleagues.
There was certainly other information.
another + يأتى بعدها إسم مفرد
This tea is nice. I’d like another cup.
He lost his job. He’s trying to find another one.
another + (few / number : two, three,….)
The woman lived for another ten days.
I’d like to stay here for another few weeks.
others + v. يمكن أن تأتى في نهاية الجملة
Some people are rich; othersالبعض الأخر are poor.
Some writers are greater than othersالآخرين .
as well as + v. + ing.
As well as doing the shopping, he visited some friends.
It doesn't matter + what / who / why /who /when etc. + جملة
It doesn't matter what you wear, as long as you look neat and tidy.
stop + someone / something from + ing.
This device stops drivers from driving too fast.
Words often confused: كلمات تسبب إرتباكا أو تشوشا
find and found
find / found / found يجد
found / founded / founded يؤسس
Researchers are hoping to find a cure for the disease.
The town was founded by English settlers.
Their marriage was founded on love and mutual respect. الاحترام المتبادل
molten تُستخدم مع المواد التي تنصهر عند درجة حرارة عالية جدا مثل المعادن والصخور
melted melted chocolate - melted butter
use يستخدم
use up يستهلك / يستنفد
used مستعمل
Can I use your phone?.
We used up all the sugar. We need to buy some.
He bought a used car.
leave يُغادر left left
leave for يتجه إلى
He left the house by the back door.
He left for London yesterday.
Exercises on vocabulary and language notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1-Nothing can live (with – of – without – about) energy.
2-The sun's energy will (lost – least – last – lease) for another five billion years.
3-It is (silly – ridiculous – important – inessential) for us to save energy in our homes and workplaces.
4-(Hydroelectric – Solar – Wind – Lunar) power supplies Egypt with a lot of its electricity.
5-Most of the energy we use today comes from (fission – split – fossil – electric) fuels like coal, oil and gas.
6-Coal, oil and gas are (durable – renewable – arable – non renewable) forms of energy.
7-Coal, oil and gas have been (formed – framed – famed – fried) underground over millions of years.
8-As well as (is – are – be – being) inexpensive, hydroelectric power does not pollute the environment.
9-Nuclear power is produced when atoms (spit – spelt – split – spilt).
10-Accidents at nuclear power stations are extremely (safe – dangerous – useful – pleasant).
11-We should all try to stop using (on – for – to – up) non-renewable sources of energy.
12-For centuries, the wind has been used to (sell – sail – steal – stay) ships.
13-Machines need energy to (work – spend – spoil – strike).
14-Non-renewable forms of energy can only be used (twice – three times – once – forever).
15-It takes (more – the same – less – too much) energy to reuse materials than to make new ones.
16-Wind (turbines – machines – devices – instruments) can generate electricity.
17-We get energy from the (cold – heat – ice – water) inside the earth.
18-Below the earth, the pressure is so great that rocks are (frozen – solid – molten – cold).
19-(Geothermal – Geographical – Biographical – Geological) energy is better for the environment than energy produced by traditional power stations.
20-We need to increase our use of renewable forms of energy because we are running (into – away – out of – down) fossil fuels.
21-Energy from the sun will last (on – with – for – up) billions of years.
22-Burying (waste – taste – waist – post) in the ground can damage the environment.
23-Modern wind (headlines – deadlines – landmines – turbines) are tall towers which are built where there is a lot of wind.
24-Many countries are now using more (renewable - non renewable – avoidable – believable) forms of energy from the sun and wind.
25-Fossil fuels like oil and gas are found (between – next to – under – above) the ground.
26-Power stations (destroy – damage – generate – bury) electricity.
27-We can all do very simple things to (waste – pollute – send – save) energy.
28-We need to (produce – introduce – deduce – reduce) our use of non-renewable fuels and use more renewable forms.
29-I'd like to extend my stay in Britain for (others – the others – another – each other) two months.
30-I don't like this shirt. Can you give me (another – other – others – the others) one?
31-(How – What – How much – How many) length is the River Nile?
32-I don't expect (private – ordinary – usual – special) treatment - I just want to be treated fairly.
33-A (liquid – solid – gas – rock) is a substance such as water.
34-A power (location – destination – station – combination) is a building where electricity is made.
35-To (ripe – bribe – dive – pipe) is to send a liquid or gas through a pipe to another place.
36-Hydroelectric means using (oil – the sun – the wind – water) to produce electricity.
37-Wind turbines have parts which are (stopped – turned – switched – twisted) by the wind.
38-Fossil fuels have taken millions of years (forming – formed – to form – form).
39-The gas is stored under (pleasure – treasure – measure – pressure).
40-Electricity (graduation – generation – communication – cooperation) from wind and wave power is safe.
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1-Hydroelectric power does not pollinate the environment.
2-We should make greater use of the sun as a frame of energy in the future.
3-If you need another information, please call me.
4-Fossil fuels are founded under the ground.
5-Scientists are looking for other series of energy.
6-Geophysical energy is the energy we get from the heat inside the earth.
7-Doctors are under increasing pleasure to work longer hours.
8-We used for all the bread. Could you buy some when you go out?
9-A lot of countries depend of nuclear power.
10-I have a bath every another day.
11-He arrived school at 7.30.
12-It isn't matter what you do, as long as you don't harm others.
13-Don't use off all the milk, we need some for
14-Some people are more cooperative than another.
15-How much is it from here to Cairo? – About 400 km.
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