Unit 10 - Science & scientists
achieve يُحقق cancer السرطان
cure علاج / يعالج diabetes مرض السكر
gradually بالتدريج result نتيجة
specialise يتخصص theory نظرية
amount كمية / مبلغ من المال invisible غير مرئي
release يُطلق / إطلاق gain يكتسب / يزداد
regularly بانتظام process (n) عملية
appreciate يُقَدِر research scientist عالم أبحاث
serious illness مرض خطير battery بطارية
anthropologist عالم علوم الإنسان archaeologist عالم آثار
biologist عالم أحياء chemist عالم كيمياء / صيدلي
geographer عالم جغرافيا geologist عالم جيولوجيا
zoologist عالم في علم الحيوان psychologist عالم نفس
geneticist عالم وراثة biochemist عالم كيمياء حيوية
environmental scientist عالم بيئى space scientist عالم فضاء
nuclear scientist عالم نووي physicist عالم فيزياء
specialist متخصص / أخصائي medical laboratory معمل طبي
breakthrough انجاز هائل oceanographer عالم في دراسة المحيطات
dissect يُشَرِح dissection تشريح
ambitions طموحات gradual تدريجي
diabetic مصاب بالسكر theoretically من الناحية النظرية / نظرياً
a series of events سلسلة أحداث happen naturally تحدث بشكل طبيعي
alternatives بدائل rainbow قوس قزح
record details يسجل التفاصيل mention يَذكُر
achieve يُحقق cancer السرطان
cure علاج / يعالج diabetes مرض السكر
gradually بالتدريج result نتيجة
specialise يتخصص theory نظرية
amount كمية / مبلغ من المال invisible غير مرئي
release يُطلق / إطلاق gain يكتسب / يزداد
regularly بانتظام process (n) عملية
appreciate يُقَدِر research scientist عالم أبحاث
serious illness مرض خطير battery بطارية
anthropologist عالم علوم الإنسان archaeologist عالم آثار
biologist عالم أحياء chemist عالم كيمياء / صيدلي
geographer عالم جغرافيا geologist عالم جيولوجيا
zoologist عالم في علم الحيوان psychologist عالم نفس
geneticist عالم وراثة biochemist عالم كيمياء حيوية
environmental scientist عالم بيئى space scientist عالم فضاء
nuclear scientist عالم نووي physicist عالم فيزياء
specialist متخصص / أخصائي medical laboratory معمل طبي
breakthrough انجاز هائل oceanographer عالم في دراسة المحيطات
dissect يُشَرِح dissection تشريح
ambitions طموحات gradual تدريجي
diabetic مصاب بالسكر theoretically من الناحية النظرية / نظرياً
a series of events سلسلة أحداث happen naturally تحدث بشكل طبيعي
alternatives بدائل rainbow قوس قزح
record details يسجل التفاصيل mention يَذكُر
the earth's crust قشرة الأرض penicillin البنسلين
antibiotic مضاد حيوي aids مرض الايدز
antibiotic مضاد حيوي aids مرض الايدز
terminal diseases أمراض مميتة venom سم
generations أجيال blood circulation الدورة الدموية
the solar system النظام الشمسي combine يمزج / يخلط
nutritional value قيمة غذائية disease-free crops محاصيل خالية من الأمراض
combat pollution يكافح التلوث existing diseases الأمراض الموجودة
feed the population يُطعم السكان safe energy طاقة آمنة
food scientist عالم أغذية overcome يتغلب علي
gain weight يزداد في الوزن chemical energy طاقة كيميائية
scientific discovery اكتشاف علمي fame الشهرة
tap حنفية dry/dried/dried يجفف
extra weight وزن زائد epidemic وباء
hospitable كريم الضيافة pot إناء من الفخار أو البلاستيك لزراعة النبات
theory of general relativity نظرية النسبية العامة
generations أجيال blood circulation الدورة الدموية
the solar system النظام الشمسي combine يمزج / يخلط
nutritional value قيمة غذائية disease-free crops محاصيل خالية من الأمراض
combat pollution يكافح التلوث existing diseases الأمراض الموجودة
feed the population يُطعم السكان safe energy طاقة آمنة
food scientist عالم أغذية overcome يتغلب علي
gain weight يزداد في الوزن chemical energy طاقة كيميائية
scientific discovery اكتشاف علمي fame الشهرة
tap حنفية dry/dried/dried يجفف
extra weight وزن زائد epidemic وباء
hospitable كريم الضيافة pot إناء من الفخار أو البلاستيك لزراعة النبات
theory of general relativity نظرية النسبية العامة
Alzheimer's disease مرض الزهايمر
genetic information معلومات وراثية
genetic information معلومات وراثية
continental drift الجرف القاري (الحركة البطيئة للقارات)
Words and their antonyms الكلمات وعكسها
regular منتظم irregular غير منتظم
exact دقيق inexact غير دقيق
succeed ينجح fail يفشل
visible مرئي invisible غير مرئي
curable يمكن علاجه incurable لا يمكن علاجه
grateful شاكر / ممتن ungrateful غير ممتن / جاحد
humid رطب arid جاف
accurate دقيق inaccurate غير دقيق
advance يتقدم retreat يقهقر / يتراجع
tasty لذيذ الطعم tasteless بلا طعم
gradually بالتدريج suddenly فجأة
theoretical نظري actual فعلي / واقعي
bitter مرير sweet حلو
doubtful متشكك certain متأكد
Words and their synonyms الكلمات ومرادفاتها
cure علاج treatment / therapy
achieve يحقق accomplish / attain
result نتيجة consequence/outcome
amount كمية quantity
feed يُطعم nourish
infectious معدي contagious
visible مرئي seeable
exact دقيق precise / accurate
tasty لذيذ delicious
ability قُدرة capacity
sudden مفاجئ abrupt
face يواجه confront
fight يكافح / يحارب combat
defective معيب faulty
despair يأس despondency
agreement موافقة consent
cooperate يتعاون collaborate
doubtful متشكك skeptical / sceptical
Prepositions & Expressions حروف جر وتعبيرات
research the causes of يبحث في أسباب
get together يتقابل
find a cure for يجد علاجا لــ
at regular times في أوقات منتظمة
life on other planets الحياة علي الكواكب الأخرى
be passed down through تنتقل من خلال
keep up with يساير / يجاري / يواكب
test the theory with experiments يختبر النظرية عن طريق التجارب
make their own food تصنع طعامها بنفسها
an article about مقالة عن
result in يؤدي إلي
result from ينتج من
an explanation for تفسير لـ
be careful about حريص بشأن
compare results with يقارن النتائج مع
specialize in يتخصص في
become interested in يصبح مهتما بـ
remove something from يزيل شيء من
change..from...into... يتغير من..إلي..
be released into the air تنطلق في الهواء
invisible to غير مرئي لـ
Irregular Verbs أفعال شاذة
hold/held/held يمسك
lay/laid/laid يضع
hurt/hurt/hurt يصيب بأذى
lead/led/led يقود
keep/kept/kept يحفظ
lean/leaned/leaned يميـل
kneel/kneeled/kneeled يركع
leap/leapt/leapt يقفز
leap/leaped/leaped يقفز
Words that go together كلمات متوافقة
carry out / do / perform experiments يُجري تجربة
catch a disease يصاب بمرض
make a discovery يحقق اكتشاف
spread diseases ينشر الأمراض
medical care الرعاية الطبية
health care الرعاية الصحية
do revision يقوم بالمراجعة
develop a theory يُطور نظرية
ever-growing آخذة في الازدياد
raise awareness about يزيد الوعي بـ
environmental awareness الوعي البيئي
intensive care الرعاية المركزة
serious complications مضاعفات خطيرة
potential threat تهديد محتمل
technological progress التقدم التكنولوجي
periodic check فحص دوري
growing opposition معارضة متزايدة
scientific breakthrough انجاز علمي هائل
crucial factor عامل حاسم
negligible amount of كمية ضئيلة من
at regular intervals علي فترات منتظمة
Read the following passage carefully:
Food from the air
Everyone has seen plants growing, but have you ever thought where they get their food? In 1652, a European scientist called Van Helmot asked this question. Like most people, he thought that plants must get their food from soil. However, Van Helmot decided to test the theory with experiments. First, he dried some soil, put it into a pot and weighed it. Next he weighed a small tree, planted it in the pot and added rain water. Then, he watered the soil regularly with rain water.
After five years, he removed the tree from the Pot and weighed it again. He found that the tree had gained a huge amount of weight. When he weighed the soil, however, it was almost exactly the same as it had been five years earlier. Van Helmot thought this was strange, but decided that the extra weight of the tree must have come from the water. He did not realise that there was another invisible food which was feeding his tree.
We now know that plants and trees make their own food. Their leaves are like factories producing everything they need, so that plants can change the energy from the sun into chemical energy. During this process, oxygen and sugar are produced. The oxygen is released back into the air, and the sugar is used by the plant as food.
achieve = to succeed in doing something good or getting the result you want
cancer = a serious disease in which cells in someone's body grow in a way that is not normal
cure (n) = medicine or treatment that can make an injury or illness better
diabetes = a disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood
gradually = something that happens slowly, over a long time
result = something that happens or exists because of something else
specialise = to limit most of your study, business, etc., to a particular subject or activity
theory = an explanation for something that has not yet been proved to be true
amount = how much of something there is
invisible = impossible to see
release (v) = let go; stop holding something
gain (v) = to increase in something
process (n) = a series of events or changes that happen naturally
regularly = often, at regular times, for example, every day, week or month
Language Notes
لاحظ أن الصفات تأتي عادة قبل الأسماء ولكن تأتي بعد الكلمات الآتية
Something / everything / anything / nothing / somebody etc.
Have you read anything interesting lately?
Let's go somewhere quiet.
Rise / rose / risen (I) لا يليها مفعول
= go up, increase يزداد , stand up يقف / ينهض , get out of bed يستيقظ
Oil prices are rising all the time. يزداد
Smoke rose from the chimney. يتصاعد
The sun rises at around 6 a.m. تشرق
rise (n.) زيادة / ارتفاع increase / increase in wagesزيادة في الأجور
There was a sudden rise in temperature yesterday. ارتفاع
He got a 10% rise last year. زيادة في الأجر
Raise / raised/ raised (T) يليها مفعول
Raise your hand if you know the answer. يرفــع
The government does its best to raise the standard of living. يرفع مستوي المعيشــة
The concert raised a lot of money for cancer research.يجمع
Raise your voice ارفع صوتك
raise hopes/ fears/ suspicions يثير الخوف/الشك
Raise a subject / question / point يطرح للمناقشة موضوع أو نقطة أو يثير تساؤل
Arise / arose / arisen (بدون مفعول) = begin to happen ينشأ / يحدث
A lot of problems usually arise at work.
Arouse/aroused يليها مفعول) يثيــر (للمشاعر والأحاسيس / يوقظ )
Her behavior aroused the suspicions يثير شكوك of the police.
Like = similar to / in the same way as مثل
He eats like a horse. He is like a son to me.
لاحظ استخدام like
مع الأفعال الآتية seem / sound / look / feel / taste يبدو
The garden looks like a jungle. At last he felt like a real soldier.
It seems like a good idea.
Like = for example
Things like glass, paper, and plastic can all be recycled.
As + job
He works as a doctor.
Such as = for example
Things such as glass, paper, and plastic can all be recycled.
As = because
He didn't come to school as he was ill.
As = while / when
I saw Peter as I was getting off the bus.
As = though / although
Hard as he studied, he failed the test.
As for + someone / something بالنسبة لـ
I am good at English. As for my brother, he is good at geography..
As of / as from = starting from بداية من وقت معين
As from today, you are in charge of the office.
Words often confused صعوبات خاصة
factor عامل / جمعها عوامل ۩ factory مصنع
The weather could be a crucial factor عامل حاسم in tomorrow's game.
There is a car factory in our town.
tasty = delicious لذيذ الطعم tasteful ينُم عن الذوق الرفيع
testy = irritable عصبي / سريع الغضب
The meal was very tasty.
She bought tasteful furniture.
He is a testy person.
pricey = expensive غالي الثمن priceless = of very great value لا يُقدَر بثمن
The clothes are beautiful but very pricey.
A priceless collection of paintings was stolen from the museum.
Regrettable شيء يؤسف له His behaviour at the party was very regrettable. Regretful شاعر بالندم
He was regretful when he had to leave his old house.
series سلسلة أحداث / كتب / أفلام / اجتماعات serious جاد / خطير
They will hold a series of meetings over the next few weeks.
The government is trying to solve the serious problem of unemployment.
Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes
Choose the correct answer:
1. The (result – outlet – insult – revolt) of the experiment surprised everyone.
2. You will never (relieve – approve – achieve – believe) very much if you do not work hard.
3. At school, students learn many subjects, but when they get to university, they usually (realize – economize – specialize – symbolize).
4. Scientists often do experiments to prove a particular (theory – habit – custom – tradition).
5. I found playing the guitar very difficult at first, but in the last two weeks I've (artificially – brutally - gradually – cheerfully) improved.
6. People who have (diagnosis – diabetes – dialects – diary) must be very careful about what they eat.
7. There are some sports where it is good to (earn – win – defeat – gain) weight, rather than lose it.
8. Farmers water their crops (regularly – bitterly – disorderly – formerly) to make sure they grow well.
9. The little boy who was hiding behind the door thought he was (divisible – edible – legible – invisible), but you could just see the top of his head.
10. If you don't turn the taps off, you can waste a huge (number - amount – account – discount) of water in a short time.
11. Leaves falling from trees in the autumn is a completely natural (excess – business – process – pretence).
12. She has been (diabetic – athletic – allergic - sympathetic) since she was a child. There is too much sugar in her blood.
13. His greatest (agreement – arrangement –achievement - discouragement) was becoming the captain of the national team when he was 16.
14. There was a (manual – punctual – spiritual -gradual) improvement in her schoolwork.
15. My doctor didn't know what was wrong with me, so he sent me to see a (geologist – specialist – physicist – zoologist).
16. (Artistically – Atomically – Theoretically - Historically), anyone can travel to the moon.
17.To (attach – attribute – challenge – achieve) is to succeed in doing something.
18. A/An (theory – practice – experience - experiment) is an explanation for something that has not yet been proved to be true.
19. A/An (operation – experiment – process - illness) is a series of events or changes that happen naturally.
20. (Fever – Paralysis – Flu – Cancer) is a serious disease in which cells in someone's body grow in a way that is not normal.
21. Something which is (compatible – invisible – audible - flexible) is impossible to see.
22. (Gradually – Actually – Mutually - Individually) means something that happens slowly, over a long time.
23. A/An (cause – reason - result - explanation) is something that happens or exists because of something else.
24. To (nationalize – terrorize – sterilize - specialize) is to limit most of your study, business, etc., to a particular subject or activity.
25. An/A (amount – number – equal - extract) means how much of something there is.
26. To (please – decrease – increase - release) means to stop holding something.
27. She gave a (supplies - series – process – service) of lectures at Cairo University.
28. The balloon (raised – aroused - rose – arose) gently in the air.
29. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was (rose – aroused – arose raised) by her grandparents.
30. (As – Like – So – If) it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel.
31. I've been working all day, but I feel as if I've (attracted – attended - achieved – attempted) nothing.
32. (Gradually – Mathematically – Electrically – Archaeologically), she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth.
33. Some scientists still believe in Darwin's (function - theory – diary – delivery) of evolution.
34. I enjoy working in general medicine, but I hope to be able to (characterize – destabilize – specialize – familiarize) in the future.
35. His broken leg is the direct (result – series – process – sequence) of his own carelessness.
36. These bacteria are (visible – feasible – practical – invisible) unless viewed with a microscope.
37. I (won – took – did – gained) a lot of weight while I was on holiday.
38. They suspected that she had killed him but they could never actually (improve – deprive – prune – prove) that it was her.
39. She was arrested for shoplifting but was (released – based – chased – cheated) on bail.
40. A (clue – cube – pure - cure) has not been found for this disease yet.
Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Do you come here regularity? –No, I've only been here once before.
2- The scientist decided to test the theory with experiences.
3- How much do you weight?
4- As most people, he thought that plants get their food from soil.
5- These trees grow well in a sandy cell.
6- He planted a small tree in a put.
7- He proved the old wallpaper and filled the holes in the walls.
8- John has earned a lot of weight recently.
9- He paid regular numbers of money to a charity.
10-The company holds burglar meetings with employees.
11- His height was the like as it had been five years earlier.
12- Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were indivisible to the naked eye.
13- Ageing is the natural recess of getting old.
14- Carbon stored in trees is pleased as carbon dioxide.
15- This restaurant realizes in seafood.
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