الثلاثاء، 26 فبراير 2013

The prisoner of Zenda - Chapter 6

Chapter 6
 كل الأسئلة مجاب عنها ويتبعها أسئلة ليجيب عليها الطالب بنفسه
uncover    يكشف                         recognise    يتعرف على
Look forward to    يتطلع الى         illness    مرض
legally    شرعيا                           criminal    مجرم
formal    رسمى                           speech    خطاب
mansion    قصر\ منزل فخم            arrival    وصول
brave    شجاع                             loyal    مخلص
Set free    يطلق سراح                   prisoner    سجين
Trust     يثق                                relative    اقارب
belong    ينتمى                            whatever    مهما
duties    واجبات                           hunt    يصطاد
Go hunting    يذهل للصيد              different    مختلف
chains    سلاسل                           candles    شموع
Cut into    يحفر                           drawbridge    جسر متحرك
secrets    اسرار                           wicked    شرير
spy    جاسوس                               encouragement    تشجيع
In trouble    فى مأزق                     trick    خدعة
injury    إصابة                              stab    يطعن
generous    كريم                         borders    حدود
miracle    معجزة                           bullet    رصاصة
address    يلقى خطبة                      woods    غابة
upstairs    الدور العلوى                   get off    ينزل
bring.    يحضر                              forgive     يسامح
prove    يبرهن                              attack     يهاجم
Weigh    وزن                               pipe    نفق \ انبوب
area    منطقة                                betray    يخون
A)Answer the following questions:
1-How far did Rassendyll trust the Marshal?
-He asked him to keep Flavia safe during his absence اثناء غيابه
-He gave him the power to lead the country in case of not receiving more messages.
2-What was Michael's only way to become a king?
 - To marry Princess Flavia.
3-Why was marrying Flavia the only way for Michael to become a king?
-as his mother was not royal.
4-What promise did the Marshal make to Rassendyll?
To protect Princess Flavia from the Duke.
5-Why was it difficult to write for Rassendyll to write an order?
- as his finger was still hurting.    
6-Why would the king's writing be a little different from usual?
-That was due to يرجع الى his damaged finger.
7-Why did Rassendyll have to see Flavia before leaving Strelsau?
-To tell her that he would go hunting.
8-What did the Princess accuse Rassendyll of when he said he'd go hunting?
She said he'd prefer to hunt animals than do his duties in the capital.
9-According to Rassendyll, which animal would he hunt?
 - A very big animal, Michael.
10-What was the Princess's reaction on hearing about hunting Michael?
¬- She looked very warned.
11-What did Rassendyll ask Flavia to do in case of not coming back?
 -To become Queen for him •
12-Where would Rassendyll stay in Zenda?
-In Tarlenheim, a modem country house •
13-To whom did the Tarlenheim house belong يختص ?
- To a relative of قريب ل Fritz who didn't always visit the house •
14-Who accompanied Rassendyll during his trip to Zenda?
-sapt, Fritz, a large party of servants and ten brave trusted men
15-How did theyبرر  taking 10 men with the king to Zenda?
 -they told the men that Michael had tried to kill the kin gand that a good friend of the king's was held prisoner in the castle.
16-What job would the ten men do?
-They were told to set the king's friend free •
17-How long did it take Michael to know about their arrival?
-Only an hour. So he sent three 'of the Six Mento Rassendyll•
18- According to Rupert Hentzau , why did Michael prefer the king's staying away?
-as the Duke and many of bis servants had a dangerous illness •
19- What did Rassendyll ask Rupert about?
-Detchard's injury. •
20-What was saprs opinion of Rupert?
-He was the worst of the Six Men.
21-How far was Flavia patriotic وطنية?
-She promised the king to do whatever was right for Ruritania if something wrong happened to the king .
22-What promise did the king make concerning  فيما يتعلقJohann?
-Not to hurt him if he did as they asked.
23-What advice did Sapt give to Rassendyll?
- Not to ride in that area unless he 'was in a large group.
24-What made Sapt say the area became so dangerous?
Three men were in the woods and shot Bernenstein in the arm •
25-Whywas Rassendyll angry with Rupert in his second visit?
-as he spoke to him in a bad way.
26-What was Rassendyll's reply when Rupert said he was not the real King?
-He said that they couldn't say it in public على الملأ
27-What did Rassendyll notice لاحظ about Johann's character  ?
 - He was a weak man but not wicked شرير.
28-What made Johann work for Michael ?
-as he was afraid of him.
29-How far did Johann hate Michael?
 -He said he was happy to tell his secrets.
30-How many rooms were there underground in the castle?
 -There were two small rooms.
31-Where was the king locked in chainsمقيدة بالسلاسل?
- In a small room below the ground.    
32-What would happen if someone got into the first room?
-One or two of the Six would fight, the other one would run into the second room and kill the king.
33-Why was it impossible to find the king's body if he was killed?
-as they would tie a weight of chains to the body and push it down the pipe. It would disappear under water.
34-What else could Michael's men use the pipe for?
-escaping down it and swimming across the moat.
35-Why would anyone search the castle find it empty ?
-as they used the pipe leading to the moat either to hide anything down into the river or to escape out of the castle.
36-What would happen if many men attacked هاجمthe castle?
- They'd kill the king and hide his body under the river water, one of the Six would be kept prisoner because he had been rude to Antoinette.
37-Why was Michael's plan described as being clever?
- as if the castle was attacked secretly or openly سرا او علانية with a great army, the king would be dead.
38-Who knew about Michael's plan?
- All those who were at the castle including the real king and Max.
39-What did Rassendyll ask Johann to do ?
-To return to the castle ,if he was asked about the prisoner, to say there was one but not to tell anyone who that prisoner was.
40-What were the two ways to get the king out of Zenda alive ?
 - If they had a miracle معجزة
- If one of the Dukefls men betrayed خان him .

B) Read the quotation, then answer the questions:
1- " Now I'll write down what I've just said. But my finger still hurts .• "
1- Who said this? To whom?
Rassendyll to the Marshal .
2-Where was the speaker going?
 To Zenda •
3-Why was his finger damaged ?
As it was bit bya bullet.
2-" The thing I hunt is a very big animal "
1- Who was the speaker ? To whom?
Rassendyl1 to Flavia
2- Where were they?
At Flavia's house }.
3-Which animal was the speaker talking about ?
Duke Michael.
3-" The Princess will be safe with me."
1- Who said this? To whom?
The Marshal to Rassendyll  •
2- What was the speaker ordered to do ?
To protect Princess Flavia from the Duke
3- When did that take place?
At the Tarlenheim house•
4-"You needn't worry, Detchard will be fine. "
1- Who said these words? To whom?
Rupert to Rassendyll •
2-What was wrong with Detchard?
 Rassendyll had shot him in the arm.
3- Where were they?
At the Tarlenheim house •
5-"Does the king knows about Michael's plan?"
1-Who said that ?  To whom?                   
Rassendyll to Johann
2-Did the king knows about Michael's plan ?
Yes he did
3-What was Michael's plan?
To kill the king and threw his body in the moat
6-'Thank you for coming. I took forward to seeing you all again. "
1-Who said this ? To whom?
Rassendyll to Rupert •
2- What did the Speaker mean by " all " ?
The Six Men.
3-What was the occasion?
 Duke Michael had sent three of the Six to the king after reaching Zenda •
7-"I'll forgive you it you promise to help us."
1-Who said this ?To whom?
The king to the hotet owner's daughter
2-What would the speaker forgive the listener for?
 For the bad things ber mother said about the king.
 3-What did the speaker want the listener to do ?
To help him to find Johann .
8-"We're fine. Why sholdn't we be."
1-Who said these words ? To whom?
Rassendyll to Sapt.
2-Where were they?
At the Tarlenheim  house.
3-Why did the speaker say so ?
As Sapt was worried about Rassendyll
9- " I have a message for you Rassendyll ."
1-Who' was the speaker?
 Rupert de Hentzau.
2- Who sent the speaker with a message?
Duie Michael.•
3-What was the message?
The Duke offered a safe journey to the border  and a million gold pieces.
10- " It's a very clever plan ."
1--Who said this? To whom?
Sapt to Rassendyll .
2- What plan did he refer to?
Michael's  plan to kill the king ,hide his body under water, then put one of the six as prisoner saying that he was rude to Antoinette do Mauban.
3- What was the occasion?
 Johann was telling Sapt and Rassendyll about Michael's evil plan.
11- "Rassendyll, I think that this time next year, you'll still be the King."
1- Who says this? To whom?    
It is said by Sapt to Rassendyll.
2- What has he just heard?
He has just heard all things about the castle from Johann.
3- Why does he think Rassendyll will still be King after a year?
As it seems impossible to save the king alive.
12- ''Yes, and so does my brother, Max. He helped to put up theprison window."
1-Who says this to whom?
It is said by Johann to Rassendyll .
2-This is an answer to a question. What is it?
Rassendyll asks Johann if the real king knows about Michael's plan.
3-Why have they put up the pipe to the to the prison window?
So that the king's body would be put down through it to the moat.
13-''We can help you if you keep your promises, otherwise you'll never be safe again."
1-Who says this to whom?
It is said by Rassendyll to Johann.
2-What promise is the speaker talking about?
The promise is that if anyone asks Johann if there is a prisoner in the castle, he can say there is. But if anyone asks him who the prisoner is, he does not answer.
3-What will happen if the other person doesn't keep his promise?
He'll never be safe again.

C-Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :
1-Rassendyll Sapt Fritz and 10 gentlemen left for Strelsau .
Rassendyll Sapt Fritz and 10 gentlemen left for Zenda .
2. The Duke was the man to trust to keep the future of Ruritania .
The Marshal was the man to trust to keep the future of Ruritania  •
 3. The Marshal was ready to keep Antoinette safe.
The Marshal was ready to keep Flavia safe•
4. Flavia was happy about the king's trip to Zenda .
Flavia was worried about the king's trip to Zenda} •
5- Detchard was the animal, Rassendyll would hunt in Zenda.
Michael was the animal , Rassendyll would hunt in Zenda •
 6-Michael's father was not royal .
Michael's mother was not royal •    
7-Flavia promised to do what was right for England .
Flavia promised to do what was right for Ruritania  •
8- Michael sent all the Six Men to welcome the king .
Michael sent all the three men to welcome the king  •
9-In Zenda, Rassendyll stayed at the summer house.
 In Zenda, Rassendyll stayed at Tarlenheim .
10-Michael couldn't meet his brother as he was busy .
Michael couldn't meet his brother as he was ill  •
11-Rassendyll and Fritz went to have a meal at the castle in Zenda •
Rassendyll and Fritz went to have a meal at the hotel in Zenda •
12-The hotel owner's son recognized the king .
The hotel owner's daughter recognized the king} •
13-The king wanted the girl to help him see Rupert .
The king wanted the girl to help him see Johann•
14-Three men shot Sapt in the woods.
Three men shot Bernenstein ln the woods•
15-Detchard was rude when he called the king, Rassendyll .
Rupert was rude when he Called the king, Rassendyll•
16-Johann loved Michael so much.
Johann hated Michael so much•
17-The pipe could be used for hiding anyone under sand.
The pipe could be used for hiding anyone under water•
18-Rupert said that the king was dead .
Rupert said that the king was alive.
19-Everyone in the castle is a criminal, except the Duke.
Everyone in the castle is a criminal, except the king.
20-Rassendyll hoped that one of the king's men would betray him.
Rassendyll hoped that one of the Duke's men would betray him
A)Answer the following questions:
1-What were the men told about the reason for their going to Zenda?
2-How far did Rassendyll trust the Marshal?
3-What was the Marshal's reaction to the king's order ?
4-Why was it difficult for the king to write?
5-According to Flavia, what was it strange for a king to do ?
6-Which animal would the king hunt in Zenda?
7-How did Flavia show her patriotism ?
8-Why couldn't the Duke come to see the king himself?
9-Whom did the Duke send to welcome the king?
10-How long did it take Michael to know about Rassendyll's arrival?
11-According to Hentzau , why could the DUke not visit Rassendyll ?
12-Where did Fritz and Rassendyll go to have a meal?
13-Why was the girl at the' hotel surprised when she saw Rassendyll ?
14-Why didn't the girl at the hotel see Johann so often?
15-Who shot at Bernenstsln in the woods?
16-Why daren't Michael say in public that Rassendyll wasn't the king ?
17-What did Rassendyll notice about Johann?
18-Why did Sapt begin to lose hope of saving the king?
19-According to Rassendyll,What were the two ways by which the king could come out of Zenda alive?
20-What did Rupert do to Rassendyll while pretending to shake hands?
B)Read the quotation, then answer the questions:
1." I trust you'. "
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-What did the speaker order the listener to do ?
3-What was the occasion ?
2.You'd prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the capital?"
1-Who was the speaker? To whom?
2-What did the speaker blame the listener for?
3-What did these words show us about the speaker?
3." Let us hope that it's not necessary. "
1-Who said these words? To whom?
2-What was the speaker talking about?
3-Where were they?
4-"I'm sory to hear this. I hope my brother feels better soon. "
1-Who said this? To'whom? ,
2- What was wrong with the speakers brother? ¬
3-Where were they?
,5."Good . Perhaps you would like to stay and eat with us."
1-Who was the speaker? To whom ?    
2-Where were they?
3-What was the occasion ?
6."That Rupert's the worst crimlnal of them all !"
1-Who said this? To whom ?
2-What does the speaker mean by "all"?
3-Who employed Rupert and his fellows?
7."He never comes here anymore. He works at the castle now."
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-About whom was the speaker speaking ?
3-Why did the speaker ask about" He" ?
8." I remember you when you stayed with us. "
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-Where were they?
3-What was the occasion ?
9."But you can't'say that in public, can you? "
1-Who said these words? To whom?
2-What couldn't the listener say in public?
3-What evil thing did the speaker do before leaving?
10. "Let's shake hands. "
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-Where was the speaker at that time?
3-What did the speaker do then?
C-Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :
1-The Tarlenheim House belonged to Sapt's relative.
2-The Tarlenheim House was far from the Castle of Zenda.
3-Sapt I Fritz Rudolf and ten brave men stayed in a house near Strelsau •
4- The ten men were told a relat1ve of the King's was a prisoner in the
5-Rupert Hentzau said that the King was ill at the moment .
7. The Duke was ordered to protect the Pnncess .
8. The King's mother was not royal.
9-To become a king the Duke had to marry the Countess.
10-The king asked F1avia to be Princess if he didn't come back. .
11-Antoinette promised to do what was right for Ruritania •
12-The king had six brave Men with him during his trip to Zenda.
13-The Marshal sent three of the Six to welcome his brother.
14-Michael offered Johann a million gold pieces.
15-Rupert aimed his sword at Rassendyll to kill him •
16-Rupert came again to speak to Sapt alone.
17-The three dangerous men shot Bersonin thinking he was Michael.
18-The wound in Rassendyll's arm was not very dangerous.
19-Michael spoke to Rassendyll privately.
20-The two rooms below the underground were cut  into stone.

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