الاثنين، 25 فبراير 2013

Test on Unit 9 - The Power of Nature

Test on Unit 9 - The Power of Nature

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- Someone says that reading books is a waste of time. Disagree, giving a reason.
2- A friend asks you what you think about the last football World Cup matches.
3- Someone asks you where your friend Ali is. You are almost certain he is on holiday.
4- A friend suggests that you go on a picnic together. Suggest something else.

2- Mention the place , the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:  
1- A: How often should I water this plant?                                            place:
    B: This is a house plant. It should be watered every 2 weeks.        speakerA:
    A: How much is it?                                                                           speakerB:
    B: Twenty pounds.                                                                           function:

2- A: Drop me off here, please. How much do you want?                   place:
    B: It's seven pounds on the meter.                                                 speakerA:
    A: Here you are.                                                                             speakerB:
B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- If you (walk – are walking – walked – had walked) all the way, it would take about 3 hours.
2- I would go to the beach if it (is – had been – is being – were) summer.
3- I (watch – would watch – would have watched – watched) the football match if they showed it on TV.
4- If I (were – had been – am – were being) you, I'd listen to the weather forecast before going for a picnic.
5- If you had not phoned, I (won't know – wouldn't know – wouldn't have known) you were back from your holiday.
6- If I (don't go – hadn't gone – didn't go – hasn't gone) to that school, I wouldn't have met you. 7- If it had continued raining, the town (would have flooded – would flood – will flood – might flood).
8- If he (is – were – had been – was) taller, he would have been a basketball player.
9- It should be snowing now according to the (climate – weather – air – atmosphere) forecast.
10- Some storms are very unusual and may (result – reason – cause – find) terrible damage.
11- The report (forecasts – casts – coasts – costs) that prices will rise by 3% next month.
12- A violent storm (fit – hit – met – set) the area and destroyed some houses.
13- There has been below average (rainbow – raincoat – rainforest – rainfall) this month.
14- The sea flooded and killed (round – above – around – beneath) 2000 people.
15- Unusual weather is becoming more common with very (high – wide – strong – big) or low temperatures.
16- The worst flood in (geography – history – chemistry – biology) occurred in China in 1887.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- If she had listened to my directions last night, she wouldn't turn down the wrong street.
2- In case of I had a degree, I could get a job easily.
3- If she is late, we are going without her.
4- When exactly did the accident concur?
5- If the draught continues, there is going to be a famine.
6- There was a violent storm with thunder and lighting.

C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the passage then answer the questions: (June, 2005)
Today, many people use natural ways to cure illnesses that don’t cause side effects. “Acupuncture” and “biofeedback” are two popular methods. Doctors have been using acupuncture in China for over two thousand years. It involves pushing needles into the skin at special points around the body. Ancient Chinese philosophers believed that they were connected to different organs and could cure diseases.
Today, “acupuncture” is used in many countries, and studies show that it  works especially for headaches, backaches and smoking. Since the 1950s, doctors in China have also been using acupuncture in major operations. Patients are awake and know what is happening in the operation but they feel little or no pain. Scientists think that the needles make the body produce a chemical called “endorphin” that helps to reduce the feeling of pain.
Another natural way to cure illnesses is “biofeedback”. It uses technology to help people control their internal organs. For example, if a person has problems with sleeping, he/she is connected to a special computer that shows the activity of the brain. The person then is asked to do some mental exercises to relax. When the brain activity falls and the person is relaxed, the computer makes a noise. Slowly, the person learns what type of mental exercises can help him/her to reduce the activity of the brain.

A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why do many people prefer acupuncture and biofeedback to cure diseases?
2- How do doctors use acupuncture in operations?
3- Biofeedback uses technology to help people control their internal organs. Explain.

B. Choose the correct answer:
4-Endorphin------------------the feeling of pain.
    a) increases     b) grows        c) decreases    d) expands
5-A person who has problems with sleeping is connected to a special computer to------------.
    a) do written exercises            b) show the activity of the brain
    c) try to relax             d) do mental exercises

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Do you know how dangerous stress can be? It affects us both physically and mentally, so reducing stress is something that we should all try to do. While many people feel that the best way to get rid of stress is some form of exercise, there are other ways which are just as effective.
The benefits of physical exercise are obvious. First of all, keeping fit helps your body stay strong and healthy. Therefore you are less likely to get sick or suffer from stress – related health problems such as heart attacks and cancer. Furthermore, exercise is a good way to get rid of frustration and anger, because after exercise the brain produce hormones called endorphins which make us feel good.
On the other hand, if you are out of shape, exercise can be quite painful. You may pull a muscle or injure yourself. Furthermore, exercising may even cause more stress since it will add to your already hectic schedule.
In conclusion, the best way to combat stress in our lives is to live a healthy life. As James Freeman Clark says, "Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well".
A. Answer the following questions:
1- How can we avoid stress-related health problems?
2- Find words in the passage which mean:    a) clear    b) very busy
3- What does the underlined word it refer to?

B. Choose the correct answer:
4- According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true:
    a) Endorphins are produced after exercise.
    b) Exercise has mental and physical benefits.
    c) People who are under stress need exercise.
    d) Taking exercise makes you wealthy.
5- Endorphins can make you feel
    a)lazy        b)very tired    c)energetic    d)unhappy.

D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words about: (June, 2005)
"Computers in society?"
Write about the different areas in which we use computers.

9- Translation
A)Translate into Arabic: (June, 2000)
Some scientists have found that people are more likely to catch a cold when they are unhappy or under stress. This is because the immune system is less efficient when we are worried. Doctors have also found out that people with mild colds get better if the doctor is kind.

B) Translate into English:
1- تُنشأ المكتبات العامة في كل مكان لتشجيع أفراد الأسرة علي القراءة.
2- يقاس تقدم الأمم بمدي اهتمامها بقضايا البيئة علي مختلف أنواعها.

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