الجمعة، 14 نوفمبر 2014

The Prisoner of Zenda Chapter 6 - translated مترجم

The Prisoner of Zenda
Chapter 6 - translated

- It was nearly time for us to make a move against Duke Michael. I was with Marshal Strakencz who I had to trust to keep the future of Ruritania safe. "You must promise that you'll protect Princess Flavia from the Duke." I told him. "As you know, his mother was not royal and he can only legally become King if he marries the Princess." "I promise." Marshal Strakencz said, bowing. "Now I'll write down what I've just said. But my finger still hurts." "Yes, sir," he said, watching me write. "The writing's a little different from your usual. I hope people know it's a real order from the King." "I trust you" I told him and he smiled. "The Princess will be safe with me." he said.

لقد حان الوقت تقريباً بالنسبة لنا لإتخاذ خطوة ضد الدوق مايكل. كنت مع المارشال ستراكنتش الذي كان من الضرورى أن أثق به للحفاظ على مستقبل روريتانيا آمنا . أخبرته : "يجب أن تعدنى أنك ستحمى الاميرة فلافيا من الدوق. كما تعلم ، لم تكن والدته من العائلة الملكية ويمكنه وبطريقة قانونية أن يصبح ملكا فقط إذا تزوج الأميرة".  فقال المارشال ستراكنتش وهو ينحنى: "أعد بذلك"، "الآن سأكتب ما قلت تواً، ولكن لا يزال إصبعي يؤلمنى." فقال وهو يشاهدنى أكتب: "نعم، يا سيدي، وهذه الكتابة مختلفة قليلا عن المعتاد منك ، وآمل أن يعرف الناس انها أمر حقيقى من  الملك." قلت له: "أنا أثق بك" فابتسم قائلاً: " ستكون الأميرة آمنة معي".

- I returned to the palace and told Sapt and Fritz to get ready to go to Zenda. There was only one thing left for me to do before we went. I went to tell Flavia that I was leaving Strelsau to go hunting. "So you'd prefer to hunt animals than do your duties in the capital?" she asked quietly. "The thing I hunt is a very big animal," I explained. "Because I'll be hunting Michael." The Princess looked very worried. "This'll be dangerous!" she said. "If I don't come back, you must become Queen for me." She then stood tall and said, "I don't really know what's going on, but I'll do whatever is right for Ruritania. If that means becoming the Queen, then so be it." "Thank you," I said. "Let us hope that it's not necessary." I knew, however, that this was more than possible.

عدت إلى القصر واخبرت وسابت وفريتز ان يستعدوا للذهاب إلى زندا، لم يكن هناك سوى شيء واحد تبقى لى قبل ذهابنا ، ذهبت لأخبر فلافيا اننى سأغادر سترلسو للذهاب للصيد. سألتنى بهدوء: " إذن أنت تفضل أن تصطاد الحيوانات على ان تقوم بواجباتك في العاصمة؟" فشرحت لها: "الشيء الذى سأصطاده هو حيوان كبير جدا، لأني سوف أصطاد مايكل." بدت الأميرة قلقة للغاية وقالت: "سوف يكون هذا خطيرا !" "إن لم أعود، يجب أن تصبحى ملكة مكانى ." ثم وقفت وقالت: "أنا لا أعرف حقا ما يجري، ولكنى سأفعل كل مايستحق فى صالح روريتانيا، فإذا كان ذلك يعني أن أصبح ملكة، فليكن." قلت: "شكرا لك وكن دعينا نأمل أن ذلك ليس ضروريا." كنت أعرف، مع ذلك، أن هذا كان أكثر من أن يكون ممكنا.

- About eight kilometres from Zenda, on the opposite side of the town to where the castle stands, there is a leafy wood on a low hill. On top of the hill is a large, modern country house called Tarlenheim which belongs to a relative of Fritz. He does not often visit the house, so when Fritz asked if we could use it for a hunting trip, he happily agreed.

على بعد حوالي ثمانية كيلومترات من زندا، وعلى الجانب المقابل من المدينة حيث تقع القلعة، توجد غابة مورقة على تل منخفض. وعلى قمة التل يوجد بيت ريفى حديث وكبير يسمى تارلينهيم و الذي يخص أحد أقارب فريتز وكان لا يزور البيت في كثير من الأحيان ، لذلك عندما سأل فريتز عما اذا كان يمكننا استخدامه لرحلة صيد، وافق دون تردد.

- So the next day, Sapt, Fritz and I set off from the capital and arrived at the country house at about midday, with a large party of servants and ten brave and strong gentlemen that I trusted. We had told these men that Michael had tried to kill me and that a good friend of the King's was held prisoner in the castle.

لذلك، في اليوم التالي، أنطلقنا انا وسابت وفريتز من العاصمة ووصلنا إلى المنزل الريفي نحو منتصف النهار، ومعنا مجموعة كبيرة من الخدم وعشرة من الرجال الشجعان والاقوياء الذين أثق بهم، وأخبرنا هؤلاء الرجال أن مايكل حاول قتلي وأن صديقا مخلصا للملك تم سجنه في القلعة

- They knew it was our job to set him free, and being brave and loyal, they did not need to ask any more questions. However, it did not take long for Duke Michael to hear about our arrival, and after only an hour, we were visited by three of his famous Six Men: the Ruritanians Lauengram, Krafstein and Rupert Hentzau. I am sure they knew that we were not really there to hunt animals but had a much bigger plan.

وعلم الرجال ان مهمتنا هى اطلاق سراحه، ولأنهم شجعان ومخلصين لم يحتاجوا لطرح أى أسئلة أكثر. ومع ذلك ، لم يمر وقتا طويلا ليعرف الدوق مايكل عن وصولنا، وبعد ساعة فقط، قام بزيارتنا ثلاثة من رجاله الستة المشهورون وهم الروريتانيين لوينجرام وكرافستين وروبرت هنتزو، وكنت واثقاً من أنهم يعرفون أننا لم نكن هناك حقا لاصطياد الحيوانات ولكن لدينا خطة أكبر من ذلك بكثير.

- The youngest and strongest of the three, Rupert Hentzau, told us how sorry the Duke was that we could not stay in his mansion, but unfortunately the Duke and many of his servants had a dangerous illness, so it was best if we stayed away. His speech was formal and polite, but I did not believe a word he said. "I'm sorry to hear this," I said to them. "I hope my brother feels better soon. And what of your friends De Gautet, Bersonin and Detchard? I heard that Detchard was injured?"

أصغر الثلاثة وأقواهم ، روبرت هنتزو، أخبرنا كيف كان الدوق آسفا أننا لم نستطع الاقامة في قصره ، ولكن لسوء الحظ الدوق والعديد من خدمه أصيبوا بمرض خطير، لذلك كان أفضل لو بقينا بعيدا. كان خطابه رسمياً ومهذباً، ولكنى لم أصدق أى كلمة مما قال. قلت له: "أنا آسف لسماع هذا، وآمل أن يتحسن أخى سريعا. ولكن ماذا عن اصدقائك : دى جوتيت وبيرسونين ودى تشارد ؟ سمعت أن دى تشارد أصيب؟"

- Rupert smiled at me and said, "You needn't worry, Detchard will be fine." "Good. Perhaps you would like to stay and eat with us?" I said. "You're very kind," said Rupert, "but unfortunately we have important duties and need to get back to the castle." "Of course you do," I laughed. "Thank you for coming. I look forward to seeing you all again." When they had gone, Sapt said, "That Rupert's the worst criminal of them all!"

 ابتسم روبرت في وجهي، وقال: "لا داعي للقلق، سوف يكون دى تشارد على ما يرام ".فقلت: "حسنا , ربما كنت ترغب في البقاء وتناول الطعام معنا؟" فقال روبرت: "أنت عطوف جدا، ولكن للأسف لدينا واجبات مهمة ونحتاج ان نعود الى القلعة." فضحكت وقلت: "بالطبع ستفعل ذلك، شكرا لكم على حضوركم، وأتطلع إلى رؤيتكم جميعاً مرة أخرى".  عندما ذهبوا قال سابت: " روبرت هذا هو أسوأ هؤلاء المجرمين!"

- That evening, I set off for Zenda with Fritz. Our journey, we knew, could be a dangerous one, but my face was covered and we felt safe because there were many people on the roads. We did not go near the castle, however, but went to the inn where I had stayed on my first night in Ruritania. "I've been here before," I told Fritz. "Won't they recognise you, then?" he said. "Of course. Just do as I say and everything will be fine."

في ذلك المساء، أنطلقت الى زندا مع فريتز.  وكانت رحلتنا، كما كنا نعرف، يمكن أن تكون رحلة خطيرة، ولكنى قمت بتغطية وجهي وشعرنا بالأمان لأنه كان يوجد الكثير من الناس على الطرق، ومع هذا نحن لم نذهب بالقرب من القلعة، ولكن ذهبنا إلى الفندق حيث كنت قد قضيت ليلتى الاولى فى روريتانيا. قلت لفريتز:  "لقد كنت هنا من قبل" فقال: "ألا يتعرفوا عليك إذن؟" فقلت: "بالطبع، فقط افعل كما أقول لك وكل شيء سيكون على ما يرام."

- I kept the coat over my face as we entered the inn and we asked to have a meal in a quiet room at the back. When the owner's daughter brought us our food, I uncovered my face so she could see me. "You're the King!" she cried, almost dropping our plates. "I remember you when you stayed with us. I told my mother you weren't really an Englishman and that you were the King! I'm sorry if we said anything bad when you stayed with us."

كان معطفى على وجهي عندما دخلنا الحانة وطلبنا تناول وجبة في غرفة هادئة في الخلف، عندما أحضرت ابنة صاحبة الفندق طعامنا كشفت وجهي حتى تتمكن من رؤيتي. فصرخت: "أنت الملك!"، و كادت تُسقط الاطباق، وقالت:" أتذكرك عندما مكثت معنا. قلت لأمي أنك لم تكن حقا رجل إنجليزي وانك كنت الملك ! أنا آسفة إذا كنا قد قلنا أي شيء سيئ عندما أقمت معنا".

- "I'll forgive you if you promise to help us," I said. I explained that I wanted to see Johann. "He never comes here any more," she explained. "He works at the castle now." "But you're still friends and you must ask to see him," I told her. "Tell him to meet you tomorrow night at ten o'clock, then bring him to our house. And tell no one that you've seen the King. Do you understand?" "You won't hurt him, will you, sir?" "Not if he does as we ask," I promised.

 فقلت: "سوف أصفح عنك إذا وعدتِ أن تساعدينا". وأوضحت أننى أريد أن أرى جوهان. فأوضحت: "إنه لم يعد يأتي أبدا الى هنا، انه يعمل في القلعة الآن." قلت لها: "لكنكم ما زلتم أصدقاء ويجب عليك أن تطلبى رؤيته، قول له أن يأتى للقائك غدا ليلا في الساعة العاشرة، ثم أحضريه الى منزلنا، ولا تخبرى أحداً أنك قد رأيتِ الملك، هل تفهمين؟" "أنت لن تؤذيه , أليس كذلك يا سيدي؟" فوعدتها: "لن أفعل اذا فعل كما نطلب منه".

- She agreed happily, and after our meal we returned to Tarlenheim late that night. As we got off our horses, Sapt ran out of the house and cried, "So you're safe!" "We're fine. Why shouldn't we be?" "It seems that it's dangerous to ride in this area unless you're in a large group. One of our men, Bernenstein, went out alone in the woods today. He saw three men in the trees and one shot him. He's upstairs in bed with a bullet in his arm. The next bullet could be for you."

ووافقت بسعادة ، وبعد وجبتنا عدنا إلى تارلينهيم فى وقت متأخر من تلك الليلة. وعندما كنا نترجل من على خيولنا، خرج سابت مسرعاً من المنزل وصاح: "إذاً أنتم فى أمان!" فقلت: "نحن بخير، ولم لا ؟" فقال: "يبدو أنه من الخطر ركوب الخيل في هذا المنطقة إلا إذا كنت في مجموعة كبيرة. احد رجالنا، وهو بيرننستين، خرج وحده إلى الغابة اليوم، ورأى ثلاثة رجال بين الأشجار واحدهم أطلق عليه النار. انه بالطابق العلوي في الفراش وطلق ناري في ذراعه. الرصاصة القادمة قد تكون لك."

- We thought that we would be safe in the country house, but I was wrong. The next day, I was resting in the living room when Rupert visited the house alone. "I have a message for you, Rassendyll," he said. "If you do not know how to address the King, my brother must find another messenger," I replied coldly. "Why do you continue to pretend?" he laughed. "We all know who you are." "But you can't say that in public, can you? Because then people would know you've kidnapped the real King. You know the game's not finished yet, and until it is, I will choose my own name," I said. "So, what is your message?" "The Duke offers you more than I would. He offers you a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces." "Tell the Duke that I refuse his generous offer. How's his prisoner, by the way?" "He's still alive," said Rupert. "Good, now go from here, while you can," I said.

كنا نظن أننا سنكون في مأمن في المنزل الريفي، ولكن كنت على خطأ، ففي اليوم التالي، كنت أستريح في غرفة المعيشة عندما زار روبرت المنزل وحده. وقال: "لدي رسالة لك، يا راسندل" فأجبت ببرود: "إذا كنت لا تعرف كيفية التخاطب مع الملك فعلى أخي أن يجد رسولاً آخر" فضحك وقال: "لماذا تستمرفي التظاهر؟ نحن نعلم جميعا من أنت." فقلت: "لكن لا يمكنك ان تقول هذا على الملأ، أليس كذلك؟ لأن الناس سوف تعرف عند ذلك انكم قد اختطفتم الملك الحقيقي، أنت تعرف ان اللعبة لم تنته بعد، وحتى يتم ذلك سوف أختار اسمى، ولكن، ما هي رسالتكم؟" "الدوق يعرض عليك أكثر مما اتوقع، انه يعرض عليك رحلة آمنة الى الحدود و مليون قطعة من الذهب." "قل للدوق أننى أرفض عرضه الكريم .وكيف حال سجينه، بالمناسبة؟" فقال روبرت: "مازال حياً." فقلت: "حسنا , الآن أذهب من هنا حيثما استطعت."

- Rupert gave me a cold look and asked his servant to prepare his horse. I followed him out of the house, and just as he was about to climb on his horse, he stopped and said, "Let's shake hands." He stepped nearer to me and suddenly stabbed me in the shoulder with his knife. I cried out, but Rupert rode off fast before I could do anything.

نظر روبرت لي نظرة باردة وطلب من خادمه أن يعد حصانه، وتابعته الى خارج المنزل، وبينما كان على وشك الركوب على حصانه، توقف، وقال: "دعنا نتصافح" وخطا مقتربا منى وفجأة طعننى في كتفى بسكينه ، صرخت، ولكن روبرت إنطلق هاربا بسرعة قبل أن أتمكن من فعل أي شيء.

- Although my shoulder hurt, I was lucky it was not a bad injury, though I was angry at letting myself fall for such a trick. I was put to bed and told to sleep, which I did for several hours. When I woke up, it was dark and I found Fritz beside me. "The doctor says your arm will soon be better," he said. "And the good news is that your plan has worked, for the girl's brought Johann to the house. He's downstairs right now, and the strange thing is that I think Johann's happy to be here," said Fritz. "He seems to know that if Michael's plan is successful, he'll be in trouble because he knows too much."

على الرغم من أن كتفي كان يؤلمنى، كنت محظوظا أنها لم تكن إصابة سيئة، بالرغم من أننى كنت غاضبا اننى تركت نفسي أسقط فى خدعة مثل هذه . حُملت الى السرير وطلبوا منى ان انام، وهو ما قمت به لعدة ساعات. وعندما استيقظت، كان المكان مظلماً ووجدت فريتز بجانبي. فقال: "يقول الطبيب ان ذراعك سيصبح أفضل قريبا، والخبر السار هو أن خطتك نجحت ، فالفتاة قد جلبت جوهان الى المنزل. انه بالطابق السفلي في الوقت الحالي، والشئ الغريب هو أننى أعتقد ان جوهان سعيد لوجوده هنا، يبدو انه يعلم انه اذا خطة مايكل ناجحة، سوف يتعرض للمتاعب لأنه يعرف أشياء أكثر من اللازم."

- This made me think that Johann would be more useful to us than I had first thought. Surely with the right encouragement, he would make the perfect spy for us? I went downstairs and asked to see Johann. The guards had brought him in with his hands tied behind his back. I sat him down in a chair, where he sat looking sad and afraid. As we talked to him, we understood that Johann was a weak man but not a wicked one. He said he worked for Michael because he was afraid of him not because he liked him, and he seemed happy to tell me Michael's secrets.

جعلني هذا أعتقد أن جوهان سيكون أكثر فائدة لنا عن ماكنت أعتقده في البداية. وبالتأكيد مع التشجيع المناسب، سيكون الجاسوس المثالي بالنسبة لنا؟ ذهبت للطابق السفلي وطلبت أن أرى جوهان. وأحضره الحراس للداخل ويداه مكبلتان خلف ظهره. أجلسته على كرسي، حيث جلس وهو يبدو حزينا وخائفا . وبينما نتحدث إليه، فهمنا أن جوهان كان رجلا ضعيفا ولكنه ليس شريراً. وقال انه كان يعمل لمايكل لأنه كان يخافه وليس لأنه يحبه، وبدا سعيدا وهو يخبرنى أسرار مايكل.

- He told us that there were two small rooms inside the castle, which you could only reach by crossing the drawbridge. The rooms were cut into the rock below the ground. One room had no windows, so it was always lit by candles. Behind it was a second room with a small window, where the King was kept in chains. From the window, a large stone pipe led down to the castle moat. The first room was always guarded by three of the Six Men.

قال لنا ان هناك غرفتين صغيرتين داخل القلعة، والتي يمكن أن تصلهما فقط عن طريق عبور الجسر المتحرك. وهذه الحجرات نحتت في الصخر تحت الأرض. واحدة منهما ليس لها نوافذ، لذلك كانت تضاء دائما بالشموع . وخلفها كان هناك الغرفة الثانية والتى لها نافذة صغيرة ، حيث كانوا يحتجزون الملك مقيداً في سلاسل. ومن النافذة كان هناك ماسورة حجرية كبيرة تؤدى الى خندق القلعة. كانت الغرفة الأولى دائما تخضع لحراسة ثلاثة من الرجال الستة.

- They were told that, if some people attacked the first room and it was in danger of being taken, Detchard should go into the other room and kill the King. The body would then be put down the pipe and the weight of his chains would keep the body under water. Calling out to the other men, Detchard would then escape down the same pipe and swim across the moat. The other two men would then follow him and the Duke's horses would take them to safety. So anyone searching the castle would find nothing: just an empty room.

قيل لهم أنه إذا هاجم بعض الناس الغرفة الأولى وتعرضت لخطر ان يتم الاستيلاء عليها، يجب ان يذهب دى تشارد الى الغرفة الأخرى ويقتل الملك. وبعدها توضع الجثة لتنزلق من خلال الماسورة وثقل الأغلال سيُبقى الجثة تحت الماء. ثم ينادى على باقى الرجال، ويهرب دى تشارد إلى أسفل الماسورة ويسبح عبرالخندق . ثم يتبعه الرجلين الآخرين وخيول الدوق سوف تأخذهم إلى حيث الأمان. لذلك فإن أي شخص يقوم بتفتيش القلعة لن يجد شيئا : مجرد غرفة فارغة.

- "What if many men attacked the castle?" I asked. "They have another plan," he explained. "If the castle's attacked by a large group of soldiers, they would do the same thing, but one of the Six Men would take the King's place. So when Michael arrived at the castle, he could say that he was only keeping one of the Six Men as prisoner because he'd been rude to Antoinette de Mauban. No one would believe that the King was ever there." "It's a very clever plan," said Sapt angrily. "It means that if we attack the castle quietly and secretly, or openly with a great army, the King will still be dead before we can save him. Rassendyll, I think that this time next year, you'll still be King."

سألته: "ماذا لو هوجمت القلعة بالكثيرمن الرجال ؟" فشرح لى : " إن لديهم خطة أخرى، اذا هوجمت القلعة من قبل مجموعة كبيرة من الجنود، فإنهم  سيفعلون الشيء نفسه، ولكن واحد من الستة رجال سيحل محل الملك. لذلك عندما يصل مايكل إلى القلعة سيقول انه هو كان فقط متحفظاً على واحد من الست رجال كسجين لأنه كان وقحا مع أنطوانيت دي موبان، و لن يصدق أحد أن الملك كان هناك أبدا " فقال سابت بغضب: "انها خطة ذكية جدا، وهذا يعني أنه إذا هاجمنا القلعة فى هدوء وسرية، أو فى العلن ومعنا جيش كبير فإن الملك سيكون ميتا قبل أن نتمكن من انقاذه, أسمع يا راسندل أعتقد أن فى هذا الوقت من العام القادم، سوف تكون لا تزال الملك".

- My pulse quickened at the thought of remaining King forever. But without proving that Michael had killed the real King, the Duke would still be there, in his castle, waiting for his opportunity to take my place. I would never be safe. "Does the King know about Michael's plan?" I asked Johann. "Yes, and so does my brother, Max. He helped to put up the pipe to the prison window. It's not easy to sleep at the Castle of Zenda because no one feels safe. Everyone in it is a criminal, except the King."

كان نبض قلبى يتسارع عند فكرة اننى سأبقى الملك إلى الأبد، لكن من دون إثبات أن مايكل كان قد قتل الملك الحقيقي، فإن الدوق سيظل هناك في قصره، في انتظار فرصته لاتخاذ مكاني، لن أكون فى أمان أبداً" سألت جوهان: "هل يعرف الملك شيئاً عن خطة مايكل؟" فقال: "نعم، وكذلك أخي ماكس فقد ساعد فى وضع الماسورة عند نافذة السجن. ليس من السهل ان تنام في قلعة زندا لأنه لا أحد يشعر بالأمان. الجميع هناك مجرمون، باستثناء الملك."

- "Thank you, Johann," I said to him. "You can go back to the castle now. If anyone asks you if there is a prisoner in the castle, you can say there is. But if anyone asks you who the prisoner is, do not answer. We can help you if you keep your promises, otherwise you'll never be safe again." Johann bowed to me as he left. We hoped he could be trusted. "So, what are we going to do now?" asked Sapt. I thought long and hard. "There are two ways in which the King can come out of Zenda alive," I said. "One is if we have a miracle, and the other is if one of the Duke's men betrays him."

قلت له: "شكرا لك، يا جوهان، يمكنك العودة إلى القلعة الآن. إذا سألك أي شخص إذا كان هناك سجين في القلعة، يمكنك أن تقول نعم يوجد ، ولكن إذا سألك أي شخص من هو السجين فلا تجب، ونحن يمكن أن نساعدك اذا وفيت بوعودك، وإلا فلن تكون فى أمان مرة أخرى ." انحنى جوهان أمامى وهو يغادر، وتمنينا أن يكون محل ثقتنا ، سألنى سابت: "إذاً، ما الذي سنفعله الآن؟"فكرت طويلا وبجدية ثم قلت: "هناك طريقتان والتى يمكن بهما إخراج الملك من زندا حياً، الاولى هو اذا كان لدينا معجزة، والأخرى هى إذا كان أحد رجال الدوق على استعداد ان يخونه".

يمكنك أيضا قراءة الفصول السابقة

الأربعاء، 4 يونيو 2014

جدول إمتحانات الثانوية العامة لعام 2014 نظام قديم وحديث

جدول امتحانات
شهادة إتمام الدراسة الثانوية العامة ( نظام حديث ) 2014
بجمهورية مصر العربية
تمنياتنا بالنجاح والتوفيق لجميع الطلبة والطالبات
شهادة إتمام الدراسة الثانوية العامة ( نظام قديم ) 2014
 بالنجاح والتوفيق

الثلاثاء، 13 مايو 2014

Final Revision - All units - 200 questions

Final Revision
Choice and Finding mistakes

Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

1. Millions of people watched the rocket ........................ on TV.
a) start        b) launch        c) set off        d) beginning
2. The medicine I'm taking is wonderful. It has no side ........... .
a) results         b) damage      c) effects         d) problems
3. My brother and I are not twins, but we are very ................ .
a) alike         b) same         c) like         d) correct
4. Coal and oil are two kinds of fossil .......................... .
a) petrol                 b) gas        c) energy         d) fuels
5. Electricity is produced in a / an ....................... station.
a) bus         b) railway                 c) power         d) energy
6. I expect .......................... you at the weekend.
a) I'm going to see     b) I'll see             c) I'm seeing                d) is going to start
7. The film .................... at 7.30 this evening.
a) starts         b) will start     c) started            d) I see
8. How ................ times have you seen that film?
a) many         b) much         c) lots         d) different
9. The distance from here to Cairo ................ two kilometres.
a) are         b) has been     c) is         d) is being
10. In some places, wood ............... to heat people's homes.
a) are burnt     b) burns         c) burnt         d) is burnt
11. When I was at school I won a poetry writing ................ .
a) race         b) article         c) competition     d) game
12. She sent me the report as an e-mail ......................... .
a) attachment     b) letter         c) picture         d) article
13. The little girl does not want to sing because she is ............... .
a) innocent     b) secret         c) spy         d) shy
14. My favourite musical ...................  is the piano.
a) player         b) instrument         c) tool         d) equipment
15. The cover of my book is made of .................... .
a) glass         b) rubber         c) cardboard     d) wood

السبت، 10 مايو 2014

Revision on vocabulary - All units

Revision on vocabulary
مراجعة على أهم كلمات المنهج فى كل الوحدات

Unit ( 1 ) Reach for the Stars 

examine     يفحص   
gravity     جاذبية / خطورة
launch  يطلق / اطلاق   
gymnastics (do)  ألعاب الجمباز
leak  رشح  / تسرب   
side effects  آثار جانبية
mission = task  مهمة / بعثة / مأمورية   
spin (v)    ( يدور بسرعة ( حول نفسه
secret   سر / سرى   
spoke (n) (wheel)   سلك العجلة
system     نظام   
distance     مسافة / بعد
currently    حاليا / فى الوقت الحالى   
weightless  عديم الوزن
location   موقع ليس به مبانى   
weightlessness   انعدام الوزن
space shuttle  (launch)   مكوك فضاء   
orbit   يدور حول

Unit ( 2 )   The Prisoner of Zenda

classics    دراسة الادب اليونانى    
coronation   تتويج
couple   زوجان   
alike   متشابه
debate   مناقشة / مناظرة / يناقش   
attend   يحضر
escapism    الهروب من الواقع   
castle   قلعة
fictional story   قصة خيالية   
the right to   الحق فى
publication   مطبوعة / نشر   
occasion    مناسبة
well-educated   على قدر جيد من التعليم   
wealthy    غنى / ثرى

Unit ( 3 )   Energy

liquid   سائل   
coal   الفحم
molten  منصهر   
atom   الذرة
nuclear   نووى   
atomic   ذرى
pipe   أنبوبة / ينقل بالأنابيب   
fossil fuels\   وقود الحفريات
power station   محطة طاقة   
generate    يولد
pressure    ضغط   
generation   توليد / جيل
geothermal   حرارى أرضى   
hydroelectric power    طاقة كهرومائية
renewable    متجدد   
waste   نفايات / فضلات
non-renewable\   غير متجدد   
wind turbines   محرك يعمل بقوة الرياح

الأربعاء، 7 مايو 2014

More exercises on situations

More exercises on situations

The more you deal with such questions , the better you become .
كلما تعاملت مع مثل هذه الأسئلة كلما أصبحت أفضل
مواقف أكثر لتدريب أكثر

Respond to each of the following situations:
1. Your friend thinks that the internet has many disadvantages. You agree.
2. Your friend Ali tells you that modern technology has changed our life
3. Samy says that space travel will be common in the near future. You disagree giving a reason
4-One of your friends says that pollution will be eliminated in very few years. You don't agree saying why.
5-Salma thinks that terrorism affect the country's stability. You agree giving two reasons
6-Your friend thinks that our national football team is the best team in Africa. You have a different opinion.
7-Nader tells you that Hany got married last week. You are very surprised.
8-Your friend Osama tells you that his father speaks seven languages. You show your surprise.
9. Noha bought a new blouse. It is very nice. You express your feeling about it.
10. Your friend tells you that he found an important job in the American embassy.
11. Your are told that one of your friends got the gold medal. You are interested in this
12. Your younger brother wants to know the effect of smoking on our health.
13. Your since teacher asks you how people can save energy at home.
14. One of your friends asks you how often you go to the cinema.
15. Hany asks you what will happen if a nuclear power station explodes.
16. A Japanese tourist asks you about the forms of energy used in your country.
17. Your brother asks you why renewable energy is the best form of energy.
18.Your friend wants to know your opinion of the pyramids.
19.Ayman, your younger brother, wants to know the best way to study English.
20.You are asked about the different between modern life and traditional life in the past.
21.Your friend asks your advice about revising for the final exams.
22.Mona asks your advice about spending her free time.
23.Hanan is very fat. She asks you about the best way to lose weight.
24.One of your friends ask for your advice about a good place to spend the summer holiday.
25.Haidy wants to know what she should do to get a good job.
26.Dalia advises you not to eat too much fats.
27.Hady advices you not to walk long distances. You refuse her advice.
28.Your teacher advises you to stop smoking. You accept his advice.
29.Mary asks for your advice about keeping fit.
30.Your friend tells you that she is too tired to go shopping with you.
31.You see a child throwing litter in the street.
32.A tourist asks you the way to police station.
33.You heard that your school football team lost the match. Guess why.
34.You see an ambulance coming quickly to your neighbour's house. Guess why.
35.You see a lot of people running after a young man in the street. You guess the reason.
36.Your friend suggests spending the weekend in Alexandria. You have a different idea.
37.Your father suggests going to the theatre. You have the same idea.
38.Your younger sister feels bored of staying at home. You advise her.
39.Your teacher asks you what college would you like to join when you finish school.
40.You wish to join the faculty of medicine.
41.Your mother wants to drink some juice. You offer to make her some.
42.Your elder sister has too much housework to do. You make an offer.
43.One of your friends offer to help you with your homework. You accept his offer.
44.Your father asks you what sport you enjoy doing.
45.Your brother is using the knife carelessly. You warn him.
46.You see an old woman crossing the street. A fast bus is coming. You warn her.
47.Your mother warns you of playing with fireworks.
48.An old man is about to fall in a deep hole in the street. You warn him.
49.Your friend asks you why you are so interested in learning English.
50.Hassan has been working all day. He tells you that he is too tired to go out.
51.You meet some tourists at Tahrir Square. One of them tells you that he has lost his passport.
52.Your father is coughing badly. He wants you to buy him a packet of cigarette.
53.Osama bought a TV set. When he returned home. He fount out TV hadn't worked. He asks you what to do.
54.Ahmed tells you that he has a terrible pain in his stomach.
55.Nader tells you that he likes driving his car at a terrible speed.
56.Badr tells you that he always disobey his father. You warn and advise him.
57.Your sister says that she is punished every day for going to school late. Guess what happened.
58.You didn't do your homework. Your teacher is very angry with you. Express regret.
59.Your mother blames you for not washing the dishes.
60.You have spilt water on your friend's shirt. He is angry.
61.You borrowed your friend's dictionary. You've lost it. You apologize to him.
62.Amgad apologises for breaking your camera. You forgave him.
63.Ramy has lost the book you lent her. You are not angry.
64.Samir apologises for not coming to your birthday party. He tells you that her mother was ill.
65.Your friend says he is sorry for losing your pen. You accept his apology.
66.The room is very hot. Your friend asks you if you mind opening the window. You don't mind.
  Fatma tells you that she had a baby a week ago..67
Kamal suggest going to the cinema. You don't like the idea..68
69.Karima says "let's have dinner outside." You are not interested in the idea.
70.Waleed suggests spending the weekend in the village. You like the idea.
71.Your friends suggest playing the match next Friday. You agree with them.
72.Murad says, "What about going for a walk?" You disagree.
73.Anwar says," How about having a party tonight?" You have to visit your uncle who is ill.
74.Nagy suggests going to the club. You need to revise for the test.
75.Your teacher invites you to his daughter's wedding. You refuse politely.
76.Uncle Nasser invites you to spend a week with him in Sharm El Sheikh. You accept the invitation.
77.You and your friends are talking about how to spend the might. They ask you to suggest a place.
78.Your teacher asks you about your opinion of the internet.
79.Shady tells you that English language is the most important language in the world. Express your opinion.
80.Your teacher asks you how we can keep the environment clean.
81.There are many clouds in the sky. Your friend asks you to make prediction.
82.You've just been told of your friend's father death.
83.You meet a tourist at the metro station. He asks you about the places of attraction in Egypt.
84.Your friend asks your permission to use your dictionary.
85.You've parked your car in front of a shop. The shopkeeper is angry.
86.Someone tells you that the problem of pollution will be solved in the near future. You doubt that.
87.You tells Suzy that Heba will attend the meeting, but you are not sure.
88.An old woman thanks you for helping her.
89.You have been introduced to a new friend.
90.Your teacher asks you about the advantages of building mud-brick houses.
91.Your younger sister asks you why houses with sloping roofs are designed.
92.Your friend wants to know why houses in Egypt are designed with flat roofs.
93.You are asked to explain the bed effects of tourism on the environment.
94.Soha wants to know your opinion of internet shopping.
95.Your younger brother Ayman is playing with matches. Warn him.
96.Your teacher asks you about your plans for next mid- year holiday.
97.You don't know how to revise for the exams. You want your teacher's advice.
98.Your friend asks you to lend him 50 pounds. You don't have money.
99.You are at the beach. A policeman warns you of swimming in a dangerous place.
100.Your friend offers to help you. You don't need any help.
101.Your friend's car broke down in the middle of the street. He asks you for help.
102.You have just seen a film on TV. Your mother wants to know your impression of the film.
103.Your friend says that English is more difficult than Arabic. You disagree politely.
104.Your brother tells you that he has got a good job.
105.As you are going to school, you see a little boy throwing rubbish in the street.

الاثنين، 5 مايو 2014

Work Book Situations

Work Book Situations
Try to answer these situations to revise for the exam
جميع المواقف التى وردت فى كراسة التدريبات

1.Someone says that space exploration is too expensive. You agree.
2.Someone says that computers are a bad thing. You do not have the same opinion.
3.One of your friends says he thinks walking in space would be very frightening.You think he's righ
4.You hear someone say that all astronauts are very rich. You know this is not true.
5.Your friend has joined a reading group. You want to know the number of people in the group.
6.Someone tells you that Anthony Hope wrote The Prisoner of Zenda in three months. You are very surprised by this.
7.You are told that Anthony Hope paid for the publication of his first novel himself. You are interested in this information.
8.Someone tells you that Anthony Hope wrote 37 works of fiction altogether. You are interested but not surprised by this.
9.You are doing a survey about energy use in your town. You would like to ask someone some questions. Explain the situation.
10.You want to know about a friend's energy-saving habits. What do you ask?
11.You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is hydroelectric.What do you ask?
12.Someone asks you how you usually travel to school every day. How do you reply?
13.A friend asks for your opinion about modern novels.
14.Someone asks you what you were doing at six o'clock yesterday evening.
15.Someone asks you what you think the best thing is about short stories.Give your opinion.
16.A friend asks you what you used to read when you were five.
17.A friend asks you whether you would like to go somewhere together at the weekend.Suggest the beach.
18.The same friend does not want to go the beach, but suggests the swimming pool. You are quite happy with his suggestion.
19.A friend suggests that you join a book club together. You do not want to join a book club, but you would like to join a sports club.
20.A friend suggests going to the cinema in your town tomorrow. You are not sure.
21.A friend is looking worried. You want to know why. What do you ask?
22.Someone asks if you had a good holiday. You enjoyed your holiday, but the weather was not   very good. This was a disappointment.
23.A friend asks what subject you would like to be better at. You say history.
24. Someone asks you about a school trip you went on. You learnt a lot, but you did not take as many photos as you had planned to.
25. You would like to find out what music your friend likes. What do you ask?
26. A friend asks you what sort of music you enjoy. Say your favourite music is folk music.
27. You want to find out if your friend plays a musical instrument.
28. A friend asks you whether there is any sort of music you don't like.You don't like modern music.
29. A friend asks you if you think people will read books in a hundred years time.You think they will.
30. In a conversation, a friend uses the word gadgets. You do not understand the word.
31. A friend asks if you think people will have their own spaceships in 50 years.You think not.
32. A friend uses the words travel and journey in the same sentence.
You do not understand the different meanings of these two words.
33. An interviewer asks if you would work some evenings during the week. You would be happy to do this.
34. You want to be able to contact a person you have just met, but you do not have their details.
35. Your friend is applying for a new job. This is a surprise and you ask him the reason.
36. You want to know whether someone you are interviewing can drive.
37. An educational adviser asks you what skills you would like to improve.You have never been very good at maths.
38. Someone has asked you for educational advice. Find out what qualifications this person has.
39. A friend wants to go back to education, but cannot leave home to go to university. Suggest a distance learning course.
40. A friend suggests that you do an evening course to improve your English. Thank your friend and say this is a good idea.
41. A friend asks your opinion about the importance of the rainforests. Say what you think.
42. A friend who has never visited your country asks your advice about places to see in Egypt.
43. A friend from another country wants to phone someone from a public phone in Egypt. He/She has never done this before. Tell him/her what  to do first.
44. Someone asks what you think about films which have been made from books.
45. A friend asks how you feel about an important English test you have next week.
46. A friend asks you if you had a good weekend. You enjoyed the weekend, but you think you wasted a lot of time.
47. One of your friends is very busy. You would like to help him or her.
48. A friend asks you what kind of books you enjoy reading.
49. A friend asks you why you enjoy sport. Name two reasons.
50. Warn your friend who is about to cross the road, because there is a car coming very fast.
51. Your brother is not working hard enough at school. You think he will get very low marks. Warn him.
52. A friend asks you whether you think people will continue to explore space in the future.
53. Your friend asks why you would recommend the book. Give a reason.
54. A new tenant phones you complaining about the new apartment he had. Offering to do something.
55. What do you think about banning cigarette advertizing?
56. You want to know whether someone you are interviewing can drive.

الأحد، 4 مايو 2014

Final Revision - مراجعة عامة للمواقف - 2

( 2 ) مراجعة جميع المواقف التى وردت فى المنهج
Situations With model Answers
1- Someone says that space exploration is too expensive. You agree.
I completely agree. We should use the money to feed people.
2- Someone says that computers are a bad thing. You do not have the same opinion.
I don’t agree. Computers make our work faster and easier.
3- One of your friends says he thinks walking in space would be very frightening. You think he's right.
I agree. If you made one small mistake you could be lost in space forever.
4- You hear someone say that all astronauts are very rich. You know this is not true.
That’s just not true. I researched astronaut salaries on the internet.
5- Your friend has joined a reading group. You want to know the number of people in the group.
How many people are in your reading group?
6- Someone tells you that Anthony Hope wrote The Prisoner of Zenda in three months. You are very surprised by this.
Really? I didn’t know that.
7- You are told that Anthony Hope paid for the publication of his first novel himself. Express how you feel about this.
That’s interesting.
8- Someone tells you that Anthony Hope wrote more than 37 works of fiction altogether. You are interested but not surprised by this.
Is that right?
9- You are doing a survey about energy use in your town. You would like to ask someone some questions. Explain the situation.
Hello, I’m doing a survey about energy use in our town. Could I ask you some questions, please?
10- You want to know about a friend's energy-saving habits. What do you ask?
What do you do to save energy?
How do you save energy?
11- You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is hydroelectric. What do you ask?
What does ‘hydroelectric’ mean?
Could you explain the word ‘hydroelectric’, please?
Could you tell me what ‘hydroelectric’ means?
12- Someone asks you how you usually travel to school every day. How do you reply?
I usually go / travel by bus. / I usually walk.
13- A friend asks for your opinion about modern novels.
In my opinion, modern novels are not as good as the classics.
14- Someone asks you what you were doing at six o'clock yesterday evening.
At six o’clock yesterday evening, I was finishing my homework.
15- Someone asks you what you think the best thing is about short stories. Give your opinion.
I think the best thing about short stories is that things happen quickly.
16- A friend asks you what you used to read when you were five.
When I was five, I used to read a newspaper written especially for children.
17- A friend asks for your advice about keeping fit. Advise him.
If I were you, I’d go swimming every day.
18- You want some advice from a friend about how you can eat more healthily. What do you ask?
I’d like to eat more healthily. What do you think I should do.
19- A friend wants to meet new people, but he / she is very shy. Make a recommendation.
I think it’d be a good idea to join a sports club.
20- Ask your teacher for advice about how to do well in the next English test.
I’d like to do well in the next English test. What do you think I should do.
21- You want to make tea the English way. Ask your friend for advice.
Can you tell me how to make tea the English way?
22- You ask your mother for instructions to operate the vacuum cleaner.
Can you show me how to use this vacuum cleaner?
23- You are asked how to make tea. Give instructions.
First, boil some water. Then, pot some tea into the put.  Finally, pour the boiling water on the tea.
24- You are asked how to operate the coffee machine.
First switch it on, then press اضغط على  the red button.
25- A friend asks you your opinion about the importance of the rainforests. Say what you think.
In my opinion, the rainforests are very important for the future of the earth.
26- A friend who has never visited your country asks for your advice about place to see in Egypt.
If you ask me, I think you should visit the Pyramids and the Sphinx.
27- A friend from another country wants to phone someone from a public phone in Egypt. He / she has never done this before. Tell him / her what to do first.
First of all, pick up the telephone, insert a coin, and wait until you hear a high noise. Then dial the number.
28- Someone asks what you think about films which have been made from books.
I think films are usually more interesting than books.
29- Your brother asks you how they built the Great Wall of China.
Well, they might have used thousands of workers.
30- Someone asks you why the Pyramids were built.
I think they must have built them as tombs.
31- You suddenly find out that there is no money in your pocket. You make a deduction.
I think I must have forgotten my wallet at home.
32- Someone asks you “Why do you think the Great Wall of China was built?”
I think they must have built it to keep attackers out.
33- You ask a friend about how he thinks they built the Pyramids.
How do you think they built the Pyramids?
34- Someone asks you “What problems and difficulties do you think there were in building the Pyramids?”
I'm sure it can't have been easy.
Surely, it must have cost a lot of money.
35- A friend asks you whether you would like to go somewhere together at the weekend.
What about going to the beach?
36- Your friend does not want to go to the beach, but suggests the swimming pool.
Let’s go to the swimming pool.
37- A friend suggests that you join a book club together, but you would like to join a sports club.
I would prefer to join a sports club.
38- A friend suggests going to the cinema in your town tomorrow. You are not sure.
I’m not sure about that.
39- You ask a friend how floods occur so quickly.
How on earth do floods occur so quickly?
40- You ask friend why cities sometimes flood.
Can you explain why cities sometimes flood?
41- Someone says they think magazines are a waste of money. Disagree, giving a reason.
I don’t agree. Magazines are an excellent means of spreading news and educating people.
42- A friend tells you he / she has won a prize in a writing competition. You are very surprised.
Really? / Have you?
43- One of your friends watched a football match on TV and found it boring. You have the same opinion.
I agree. / that’s true. / I’d go along with that.
44- You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is energy.
What does energy mean?/could you explain the word energy, please?
45- A foreign friend wants to know how to make tea the English way. Tell him / her what to do first.
First of all, boil some water, then add it to some tea leaves in a mug.
46- Someone asks you what you were doing at eight o’clock this morning.
I was having / eating my breakfast. / I was going to school.
47- Someone asks you what you think about TV news programme.
I think they’re too long / too short / too serious / very interesting.
48- A friend wants a job to help poor people. Advise him or her.
If I were you, I’d train to be a volunteer in a charity.
49- You do not understand why it goes dark at night. Ask someone to explain it.
Can you explain why it goes dark at night?
50- A friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep fit. You think the same.
I agree. / I’d go along with that.
51- A friend suggests that you join a squash club together. Suggest something else.
Personally, I’d prefer to join a tennis club.
How about joining a tennis club.
52- Someone asks where your friend Ali is. You have not seen him for a long time. You are almost certain he is on holiday.
Ali must be on holiday. I haven’t seen him for a long time.
53- A friend is looking worried. You want to know why. What do you ask?
What’s the matter?
54- Someone asks if you had a good holiday. You enjoyed your holiday, but the weather was not   very good. This was a disappointment.
I had a good time, but I wish the weather had been better.
55- A friend asks what subject you would like to be better at. You say history.
I wish I were better at history./I’d like to be better at history.
56- Someone asks you about a school trip you went on. You learnt a lot, but you did not take as many photos as you had planned to.
I learnt a lot but I wish I had taken more photos.
57- An old man can't cross the road alone. You are willing to help her. What do you say?
Let me help you cross the road.
58- Your friend doesn't want to go to the club alone. You offer to go with him.
Would you like me to go to the club with you?
59- Your offer to phone your friend’s parents and tell them he is going to be late.
Would you like me to phone your parents and tell them you are going to be late.
60- Your friend offers to phone your parents and tell them you are going to be late. You appreciate that.
I'd really appreciate that. Thanks.
61- You would like to find out what music your friend likes. What do you ask?
What kind of music do you like?
62- A friend asks you what sort of music you enjoy. Say your favourite music is folk music.
I’m a big fan of folk music.
63- You want to find out if your friend plays a musical instrument.
Do / Can you play a musical instrument?
64- A friend asks you whether there is any sort of music you don't like. You don't like modern music.
I can’t stand modern music. /    I really dislike modern music. 
65- A friend asks how you feel about an important English test you have next week.
I wish I knew more English words.
66- A friend asks you if you had a good weekend. You enjoyed the weekend, but you think you wasted a lot of time.
I enjoyed the weekend but I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time.
67- One of your friends is very busy. You would like to help him.
Is there anything I can do.  /  Would you like me to help?
68- A friend asks you what kind of books you enjoy reading. Your favourite books are historical novels.
I’m very keen on historical novels./ I’m a nig fan of historical novels.
69- Your friend would like to know why you have decided to study engineering.
For two reasons. Firstly, because I enjoy engineering, and secondly because I want to be an engineer when I leave.
70- You want to ask your friend about the reason why he came to school late.
Can you tell me why you were late for school?
71- Your mother asks you why you didn't tidy up your room.
I was busy all day.
72- You ask your father the reason why he has decided to move house.
Can you tell me why you have decided to move house?
73- You are warning your friend who is going to cross a busy road. What do you say?
Be careful! This is a really busy road.
74- Your brother is using a ladder to get something from the top shelf. You warn him.
If you don't take care, you will fall off the ladder.
75- Your mother tells you to work a bit harder or you'll fail the test. What do you say to assure her?
Don’t worry. I’ll do my best.
76- A friend asks you if you think people will read books in a hundred years time. You think they will.
Yes, I’m sure they will.
77- In a conversation, a friend uses the word gadgets. You do not understand the word.
What are gadgets?
78- A friend asks if you think people will have their own spaceships in 50 years. You think not.
No, I don’t think they will.
79- A friend uses the words travel and journey in the same sentence.
What’s the difference between travel and journey?
80- A friend asks you why you enjoy sport. Name two reasons.
For two reasons. Firstly, it keeps me fit, and secondly I like being with my friends.
81- Warn your friend who is about to cross the road, because there is a car coming very fast.
Watch out! There’s a car coming.
82- Your brother is not working hard enough at school. You think he will get very low marks. Warn him.
If you don’t work harder, you’ll get low marks.
Unless you work harder, you’ll get low marks.
83- A friend asks you whether you think people will continue to explore space in the future.
Yes, I’m sure they’ll continue.  
Yes, they’ll definitely continue.
84- An interviewer asks if you would work some evenings during the week. You would be happy to do this.
Yes, that would be no problem.
85- You want to be able to contact a person you have just met, but you do not have their details.
Could you tell / give me your phone number and e-mail address, please?
86- Your friend is applying for a new job. This is a surprise and you ask him the reason.
Why are you applying for a new job?
87- You want to persuade your friend to read "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck.
Can't I persuade you to read “The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck?
88- An educational adviser asks you what skills you would like to improve. You have never been very good at maths.
I need to improve my maths skills.
89- Someone has asked you for educational advice. Find out what qualifications this person has.
What qualifications do you have already?
90- A friend wants to go back to education, but cannot leave home to go to university. Suggest a distance learning course.
What about doing a distance learning course?
91- A friend suggests that you do an evening course to improve your English. Thank your friend and say this is a good idea.
Thank you. That’s a good / great idea.
92- Your brother looks worried. You want to know whether he has a problem.
What’s the matter? / Is something wrong?
93- Your mother was very busy yesterday. You regret not helping her.
I wish I had helped my mother yesterday.
I regret not helping my mother yesterday.
94- Someone offers to help you to organize a party. Accept this offer politely.
That’s very kind of you.
I’d really appreciate that.
95- You forgot to thank a friend for a present he / she gave you. Tell someone you are sorry for this.
I’m very sorry I forgot to thank him / her for the present.
96- Your friend starts to cross a road when you see a car coming. Warn your friend.
Look out! There’s a car coming.
97- Someone asks if you think people will still have cars in 50 years.
I’m sure they will.
98- You hear the word ‘magnet’ on the radio.Ask a friend what it means.
What is the meaning of the word ‘magnet’?
99- A friend asks you why you have a mobile phone. You have two reasons.
For two reasons. Firstly, because I can keep it with me all the time, and secondly because I can keep in touch with my friends easily.
100- You are interviewing someone for a job. Find out about their qualifications and experience.
What qualifications and experience do you have?
101- You want to persuade a friend not to work so hard because you think it is making them ill.
How can I persuade you not to work so hard?
You really shouldn’t work so hard.
102- An interviewer has asked you why you have applied for a job in a particular company. The main reason is that a friend has recommended the company to you.
The main reason is that has recommended this company to me.
103- You do not understand what distance learning is. Ask a friend.
Can you explain what distance learning is?

الخميس، 1 مايو 2014

Final Revision - مراجعة عامة للمواقف - 1

( مراجعة جميع المواقف التى وردت فى المنهج ( 1
Language Functions

1: Agreeing with an opinion:    الموافقة على رأى ما
   - I completely agree. أوافق تماما - I couldn’t agree more.أوافق تماما
   - I’d go along with that. أوافق على ذلك-That’s true.      هذا حقيقى
   - Yes, you’re quite right.    نعم. أنت على حق تماما
2: Disagreeing with an opinion:  عدم الموافقة على رأى ما
   - I completely disagree.       لا أوافق تماما   
   - I don’t agree.               لا أوافق             
   - I’m not so sure.              لست متأكدا جدا
   - That’s just not true.   هذا غير حقيقى تماما
   - I don’t think so. لا أعتقد ذلك           
3: Expressing surprise:      التعبير عن الدهشة
    - Really? I didn’t know that.    أحقا كذلك؟ لا أعرف ذلك
    - Good heavens!                        أمر مدهش
    - How amazing!                    كم هو مدهش
    - That’s unbelievable!          انه أمر لا يصدق
4: Expressing interest:     التعبير عن الاهتمام
    - How interesting! ياله من أمر مثير     
    - Is that right?                            أحقا كذلك       
    - That’s very interesting             انه أمر مثير
    - Really?                                  أحقا كذلك
5: Asking for and giving information:طلب معلومات و تقديم معلومات
- Excuse me, could I ask you some questions about..?
  Yes, of course.
- Can / Could you tell me  .........?
  Yes, that's fine.
- Do you know anything about.......?
  Yes, certainly.   
- How do you usually go to school?
  I usually go to school by car.
- What does "…" mean?
  It means ……….
  You can look it up in the dictionary.
- Do you think the price of oil will increase in the future?Why/Why not?
   Yes, because it will soon be harder to find.
- How do you think air conditioning damages the environment
   It makes the outdoors hotter.
   It uses a lot of energy, which comes from burning oil or coal.
- How can people save energy?
  They can use cars less.
   They can switch off lights.
- How can we keep fit?
   We can walk or cycle more.
- How often do you travel by car?
  I travel by car two or three times a week.
6: Asking for and giving opinions:      طلب الرأى وإبداء الرأى
- How do you think we can reduce pollution?     I think that ..
- What's your opinion about modern novels?      I don't think that ..
- What do you think I should do to improve my English? I'd say that …
- What do you think of / about yesterday's match?
   As far as I am concerned ..
   In my opinion ..
   In my point of view ..
7: Asking for and giving advice:      طلب النصيحة وتقديم النصيحة  
- What do you think I should do to ….. ?      I think you should ………
- Can I ask your advice about ……… ?          Why don’t you ……….. ?
- Can you give me some advice about ..?  If I were you, I’d …………
- What do you think about + v. + ing?  I think it’d be a good idea to …….
- What do you think I ought to do about …?   What about …………..?
- I want to ask your advice about … 
The best thing you could do would be to ..
8: Asking for and giving instructions: 
طلب تعليمات و تقديم تعليمات
- How can I operate this coffee machine?
  First switch it on, then press اضغط على  the red button.
- Can you show me how to use this vacuum cleaner?
 First, connect it to the electricity supply. After that, press the red button.
- Can you tell me how to make tea the English way
   First, boil some water. Then, put some tea into the put.  Finally, pour the boiling water on the tea.
9: Asking for information and Deducing Information 
طلب معلومات و استنتاج المعلومات
- Why do you think they built the Suez Canal?
  I think they must have built it to make travelling by sea easier.
- How do you think they built the Suez Canal?
  Well, they might have used thousands of workers.
- What problems and difficulties do you think there were in (building..)?
  I'm sure it can't have been easy.
  Surely, it must have cost a lot of money.
10: Making Suggestions and responding to suggestions
عمل إقتراحات والرد على الإقتراحات

- How about + v + ing..?  ما رأيك فى ..... ؟   
I'd go along with that.         أوافق على ذلك
- What about + v + ing..? ما رأيك فى ..... ؟   
That's a good idea.        يا لها من فكرة جيدة
- Shall we + مصدر ?  هيا بنا
I'm not sure about that.لست متأكدا من ذلك
- Why don't we / you / they..?   لما لا .... ؟
Personally, I'd prefer..            شخصيا أفضل
- I'd say …………..                     أود أن أقول
Sorry, I don't agree.              اسف. لا أوافق
- Let's say ………...                      دعنا نقول
That's what I think          هذا هو ما أفكر فيه
- We could …....                   من الممكن أن ...
I agree / That sounds fine.      هذا يبدو رائعا
1-A: How often do you think we should go shopping?
  B: How about once a month?
  A: Personally, I'd prefer once a week.
2-A: How many people should we invite to the party?
   B: I'd say ten at the most.
   A: I'd go along with that.
3-A: When would you like to go?
   B: What about early evening?
   A: That's a good idea.
4-A: What kinds of books should we read?
   B: Let's say any kind of fiction.
   A: I'm not sure about that. I don't want to read science fiction books.
11: Asking for an explanation giving an explanation
طلب تفسير و تقديم تفسير
- Can you explain why…?                     Let me explain …….
- Do you know how…?                         I'll try and explain …...
- I'd like to know how…?                      Here's what happens …...
- How on earth…?   كيف .... بالله عليك؟   What happens is that ….….
- Could you tell me how/ why…?           I'll explain that to you.
12: Expressing wishes التعبير عن الأمنيات 
- I wish I could help you with your homework.
- I wish I could ride a horse.
- I wish it were fine today.                               - I wish I had a car.
- My goal is to get a PhD in engineering.           - I'd like to be rich.
- I dream of getting married and having children.
13: Expressing regrets: التعبير عن الندم   
- I wish I had joined the Faculty of Science, but I didn't.
- If only I could speak Chinese, but I can't.
- I would really like to be able to swim, but he can't.
- I'm sorry I had a quarrel with my brother.
- I'm disappointed that I didn't get the job.
- I regret ignoring my father’s advice.
14: Offer to help & replies to offers  عرض بالمساعدة و الرد
- Is there anything I can do to help?      That's very kind of you.
- Would you like me to…………?              Would you mind?
- If you like, I could …….… for you.        Thanks very much.
- Shall I …..…for you?         That's great.
- Let me …….                     I’d really appreciate that. Thanks.
15: Asking about liking:      السؤال عن ما تحب
- Do you like………………..?                          هل تحب..........  ؟
- What do you think about / of………..?       ما رأيك فى........ ؟
16: Expressing likes:   التعبير عن ما نحب
- I like / love ……          - It’s brilliant/fantastic/great.  رائع   
- I’m mad about ……  مجنون بــ     - I’m crazy about ……    مهووس بــ
- I’m a great fan of ………… مشجع لــ 
17: Expressing dislikes:  التعبير عن مالا تحب

- I dislike (don’t like) ……          - I’m not very keen on …. شغوف بــ
- I’m not fond of … غير مغرم بــ 
- I hate / detest يبغض / loathe يحتقر / despise يبغض …
18: Ask for and give reasons:  السؤال عن السبب و تقديم السبب-
A: I gave my mobile phone to my sister yesterday?
   B: What did you do that for?
  A: Mainly because someone bought me a new one for my birthday.
2-A: Can you tell me why you were late for school?
   B: To start with, I didn’t hear my alarm clock.
3-A: Why do you want to study science at university?
   B: For two reasons. Firstly, because I enjoy science, and secondly because I want to be a doctor when I leave.
4-A: I was busy all day yesterday.
   B: Is that the reason you didn’t phone me?
19: Give and respond to warnings:    التحذير و الرد
- Be careful! This is a really busy road.
  It’s OK. I wouldn’t cross if a car was coming.
- If you don’t take care, you will fall off the ladder.
   Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.
- Watch out! There’s a snake in front of you.
  Thank you for your warning.
- Watch out! There’s a car coming!
   It’s OK. I’ve seen it.
- Whatever you do, don’t forget your keys! You’ll need them later.
  It’ll be fine. I always keep them in my school bag.
-    Be careful! That plate is really hot! If you touch it, you’ll burn yourself.
  Don’t worry. I won’t pick it up until it is cool.
20: Talking about the future:   الحديث عن المستقبل
- Do you think we will have libraries in the future?
  Yes, I’m sure we will.
- What do you think will happen to the internet in the future?
  It will definitely become more popular.
- Do you think that man will live on other planets one day?
  I don’t think that will happen in the near future.
21: Ask and answer personal questions:أسئلة شخصية و الرد عليها
- Do you / Can you speak English?
Yes, I (speak) can speak it very well.
- Have you passed (your driving test)?      Yes, I have.
- Do you have (a driving licence)?             Yes, I do.
- What have you been doing since (you left university)?
I have been working as …
- Could you tell me why you want to work for us?
  Because I have the right qualifications for this job.
- Why do you think you'd be good at the job?
  I'm (a sociable person, so I'll enjoy meeting and talking to customers).
22: Persuading:    الإقناع
- Are you sure you can't lend him the money? Sorry, I really need it
- Can't I persuade you to stay with the company?
  No, I'm sorry. I've already found a new job.
- I really think you should get more sleep.
  Yes, you are right. I've been working so hard recently.
- Why don't you see a doctor?                  I'll do that.
- Please, come to my party at the weekend. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  I'd like to come, but I need to ask my parents first.
- Surely the best thing to do is to look for another job.
Yes, I agree with you.
23: Ask and answer interview questions: أسئلة وإجابات المقابلات
- How can I help you?
  I need to improve my computer skills.
- Do you have a job at the moment?
  Yes, but I don’t earn much. That’s why I need to improve my skills.
- What qualifications do you have already?
   I have a BSc in IT, but the problem is I graduated over ten years ago.
- Have you thought about doing a distance learning course?
   Yes, I have, but I’d prefer to be in a class with other students.
- Then perhaps you should try an evening course at a local college.
   That’s a good idea. Thank you.
24: Greeting:     التحية
- How do you do?                      - Pleased to meet you.             
- Nice to see you.                      - Where have you been?          
- Fancy seeing you here!             - How nice to see you again!   
- How are you?                         - Happy new year.                       
- Welcome to Egypt.                    
25: Introducing people:       تقديم الناس
- This is ………………….                - I’d like you to meet………….
- May I introduce you to……….    - Let me introduce you to………….
26: Introducing yourself: تقديم نفسك  
- May I introduce myself?                - My name is…………….
27: Seeing someone off: توديع شخص ما   
- Have a nice journey.  - Have a nice flight.       - Have a nice time.
28: Requesting: الطلب       
- Could (Can) you + inf.…..…please? - Would you+ inf. ……., please?
- I’d be grateful if you could……       - I wonder if you could……
- I’d like……………, please.
- Yes, of course. / Certainly.       - It’s a pleasure. / With pleasure.
- I’m sorry.  / I’m afraid I can’t.
? لاحظ صيغة هذا الطلب و طريقة الرد
- Would (Do) you mind + v. + ing……?
   No, not at all. / No, of course not.             (Agreeing موافقة)
   Yes, I would (do).                                   (Refusingرفض )
29: Thanking: الشكر      
- Thanks a lot. / Thank you.           - Thank you for…………………
- That’s very kind of you.               - How thoughtful of you!
- Not at all.  - Don’t mention it. - You’re welcome.    - It’s a pleasure.
30: Apologizing: الاعتذار    
- I’m sorry for + v. + ing….         - I must apologize for + v. + ing..
- Never mind.            - Don’t worry.     - Oh, it doesn’t matter.
Not accepting:
- Oh, no! It’s new.      - You’d better get me another one.
31: Inviting: الدعوة      
- Come and + inf…….. .                 - I invite you to + inf. ………..
- I’d like to invite you to + inf….      - Would you like to + inf………
- May I invite you to + inf……….      - Will you join us?
- How about + v. + ing…….
- Thank you. I’d love to.   - I’d be pleased to come.       - Great idea.
- I’m sorry I’m busy.        - I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t.
32: Permission: طلب الإذن      
- May I + inf……………..?                - Can I + inf……………..?
- Could I + inf……………?                - I wonder if I can + inf………….
- Certainly / Sure / Yes of course / Here you are.
- Sorry, I need it myself.
33: Congratulating: التهنئة      
- Congratulations!         - I congratulate you on + v. + ing / noun
34: Good wishes: الأمنيات الطيبة   
- I wish you success.                - Good luck.
- I wish you a speedy recovery.  أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل
35: Blaming:     التوبيخ - اللوم
- If you were more careful, this wouldn’t happen.- You are to blame.
- It was careless  / wrong of you to…                 - It’s your fault.                               
- I’m sorry.       - I didn’t mean it.           - I’ll be careful next time.
36: Release from blame: الإعفاء من اللوم 
- Don’t worry               - Never mind.                - It doesn’t matter.
- It wasn’t your fault.    - Forget all about it.
تابع الجزء الثانى بالأمثلة وإجاباتها